Chapter 13

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I was just about to go and sort out my make up because I knew I would look like a panda, but before I could, I heard a knock at the door. I stood there scared if it was Tom coming back to hurt me again. It took me a while but I took a deep breath and went to open the door it was..... Oliver, I breathed out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"What's wrong" he asked walking towards me.

I took a step back feeling uncomfortable with anyone coming near me at the moment.

"N-Nothing's W-wrong" I said shakily.

"Come on I can see you're not ok" he said.

"I-I don't want to talk about it" I said quietly.

"Ok, well I'm here for you" he said, I could tell he wanted to know but I think he knew it was best to wait till I'm ready.

It was quiet for a little while then I realised why he was here, "So am I showing you around or not?" I asked trying to act like my normal self.

"Yeah sure" he said quickly.

"Ok just give me a sec" I said and then went into the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and gave myself a little pep talk. It'll be fine I'll take him up to the attic to talk this over. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my mascara had smudged everywhere. I must have looked a mess to Oliver, no wonder he was worried about me. I washed away the mascara then put a bit of foundation on. I then brushed my hair and quietly headed into my room. I noticed Oliver was sat in my window alcove and was looking outside.

"So you ready?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah" he got up quickly and came over to me.

"We'll start at the top and work downwards yeah?" I asked feeling calmer with him around than earlier.

"Yeah I don't mind" he said seeming to be holding himself back from doing something.

We headed upstairs to the attic, it was quite big and very peaceful up here, I normally come here if I need alone time.

"This is the attic if you couldn't tell" I said.

Oliver looked around with a little smile on his face, he must like it here. I headed over to a chest and sat on it, Inhaling and exhaling to prepare myself. I've been told that a mate being rejected is the worst thing to ever happen to a wolf. I don't want to hurt him but I can't do this to the family either. I then noticed Oliver was still stood in the same place not moving.

"Oliver can we talk?" I asked him but wondering why he was still stood there.

I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder but he still didn't do anything, my eyes went wide and I ran downstairs.

"MUM!!!" I shouted the loudest I could. I then saw my mum running towards me.

"Something is wrong with Oliver, he's just standing still and isn't moving" I said scared.

Me, mum and some others all ran upstairs to the attic. When we got there Oliver was still in the same place, Mum and Tom ran over to him and shook him but he still didn't move. Mum then got Diego to go get a bucket of cold water, when Diego ran downstairs to get it Tom carried on shaking Oliver and shouting at him, saying he's doing all this to get attention. Mum wasn't paying attention at what Tom was doing she was stood there thinking, she then looked like she had an idea then ran downstairs.

It was only me, Tom and Oliver left in the room, all the others were either with Diego or didn't know about any of this happening and were most likely in their houses. I looked over to Tom and Oliver, he had stopped trying to help Oliver and was now looking over to me and smirking. He was walking towards me but then Oliver suddenly fell to the ground and was shaking all over. I ran over to him ignoring Tom and fell to my knee's next to Oliver. Mum, Diego and Anastasia all ran into the attic, Diego and Anastasia both had a bucket of water and mum had a big book in her arms. I hope he's okay......

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