Chapter 17

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Today Auntie Megan, Uncle Rory and our newly born cousin Abigail are visiting. To see us and also to pick up their son Alex. They should be arriving in about two hours. So I have time to get changed and also help mum cook dinner. I quickly took a shower then put some clothes on and headed downstairs. Natasha is with Jordan today so I won't be seeing her until tomorrow. I headed downstairs and saw Cole with Vanessa. I said hi to them then headed to the kitchen.

"Hey mum need help?" I asked.

"Do you mind?" she asked.

"Of course I don't mum" I answered.

"Ok could you be in charge of the chicken and sauce whilst I sort out the extra bits and dessert" she said.

"Okay mum" I smiled and got to work.

I cooked the chicken then prepared the sauce. I then put them together and left them to cook. I went over to mum who was preparing brownies and cupcakes.

"Want a hand, I'm finished with the chicken" I ask.

"If you don't mind" she smiled.

I helped to bake the brownies whilst mum did the cupcakes. I take after her with cooking because we both enjoy it and are quite good at it, even if I do say so myself.

We've been cooking for over an hour now but mum had to get ready before Auntie Megan and Uncle Rory got here. I kept an eye on the food whilst we left dad, Freddie and Cole to set the table.

I heard a knock on the door and jogged to the door to open it. In front of me was Uncle Rory holding baby Abigail and next to him was Auntie Megan.

"Hey come in" I greeted.

"Thanks Logan" Rory smiled.

They walked passed me and we headed into the kitchen where mum and dad were. They greeted each other and Uncle Rory laid Abigail in her little chair.

"She's so cute" mum cooed.

"I know, she's a right daddy's girl though" Auntie Megan sighed.

"Bless, Sasha was the first few years but now she's a mummy's girl" mum smiled.

I went off to the living room where the others are cause I knew they'd start talking about babies and stuff, something I don't want to listen to. Sasha was upstairs on the phone to Fraser, I think. Cole was with Vanessa in his room. Whilst Freddie, Jay, Isaac, Alex, Asher and Casey are in the living room. I go over to Freddie and join him in a game of fifa.

A while later mum shouts us for dinner and we sit at the dining table. Uncle Rory was putting Abigail down for a sleep. When he got back we all digged into the food, which was yummy.

When we finished we all went to the living room and caught up with each other. But I wasn't listening much because I was too busy thinking about the amazing Natasha. I kept listening into the conversation, time to time. I was thinking about mine and Natasha's future, would we get married? I then remembered mum is now four months pregnant with the triplets, I wonder what gender they are? I then thought about Natasha again, would we have babies in the future? I bet if we did they would look so much like her and have her gorgeous looks. That thought made me smile, she would be an amazing mum.

After a few more hours of catching up and going to the beach. It was now time for Auntie Megan, Uncle Rory, Alex and Abigail to go back home. So we said our goodbyes and watched as they drove off.

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