Chapter 24

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Tom's Pov

I still can't believe that Hayley actually believed I loved her, I would prefer to love an ogre than her. Why on earth would I settle down with her when I can get any woman that I wanted. The only reason I pretended to love her was for our pack, Moonlit, wanting revenge on her pack for killing our Luna, Caroline. Luckily the Scarlet Moon Pack didn't know I was part of the Moonlit Pack. I enjoyed it when I finally got to hurt the b*tch I enjoyed watching her try and run away from me. I deeply cut her in the arms so she couldn't run away; I then clawed her at the stomach so she could never have the happiness of having any more kids. I watched as she cried then I hit her with a lamp shade on the side of her head. I watched her fall on the floor unconscious. You might think I'm heartless but honestly I don't care.

Tony's Pov

I woke up, my neck was hurting. I must have fallen asleep on the desk. I looked at the clock in the room and saw it was one in the afternoon. I got up quickly and started to get my plan into gear. I'm going to keep my promise to those girls, I've just had enough of how this pack treats others. Yes I hate that Christian for killing mum but we got our revenge, not that they know this. However we got our revenge, a life for a life so why are we still attacking them? It's been so many years since their deaths.

First thing first is to take down each member of the pack one by one. I won't kill them; just tie them up or something. I quickly got changed, grabbed a rucksack and headed out of the room and down to the cells. They have things there what I can use to tie them up or knock them out with. No one was down here luckily but I'll have to be quick. I grabbed a load of ropes, gags, a brick. I doubt I will survive this but I might as well try. I checked on Anastasia to reassure her, luckily she didn't have anyone with her. I went upstairs again and went into the first room. Rachel was laid asleep on the bed with Louis next to her. I quietly walked over and grabbed two gags, rope and a brick. I hit them both with the brick knocking them unconscious, least they'd never know it was me. I quickly tied the gags around their mouths and tied them to the bed. I don't really care if anyone dies except for my sister, Rachel.

Shockingly I've knocked out most of the pack; I can finally appreciate the training my dad gave me. The only person I haven't knocked out or tied up is my dad but he's been in the office all day so I've just blocked the door just in case. I don't have long till the pack wakes up and get out of the rope so I have to hurry.

I run upstairs to dad's room where Mimi was still tied to the bed. I quickly rushed over to her and untied the ropes around her legs and arms. She was badly bruised and had dried blood on her wrists and ankles. I helped her off the bed, she struggled to stand up and when she took her first step she fell over but I caught her before she hit the floor. I don't have time for this; I quickly picked her up and put her over my shoulder and ran down to the cells. I popped Mimi down on the floor and rushed over to Anastasia and untied her. She wasn't as badly bruised as Mimi but she had dried blood on her wrists and ankles like Mimi. I helped her to her feet, luckily she was able to walk. We walked over to Mimi but soon froze when we heard a noise upstairs.

"Stay down here, use these if you need to" I said giving them my rucksack. I slowly walked upstairs and saw...

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