Chapter 21

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I wake up to find that I was in mine and Oliver's bed, how did I get here? Oliver must of carried me I thought. I smiled and looked to my side and saw Oliver sleeping silently, aww he looks adorable. I kiss him lightly on the cheek and start to get out of bed when Oliver grabs me and holds me in his arms. I snuggle into him and inhale his scent, Mmm he smells like a masculine version of vanilla with a tint of the forest.

"Hey babe" he says huskily.

"Hey" I say huskily back. He kisses me and I kiss back we carry on till we have to pull away for breath.

"I'm off for a shower babe" I say and get some clothes and walk to the bathroom.

After my shower I give Oliver a quick kiss and walk downstairs. I head to the kitchen and see mum fussing over Freddie who was sat in his rocker. I walk over to them and give mum a hug and kiss Freddie on his cheek.

"Hey sweetie" mum says.

"Hey mum, thanks for helping last night" I say.

I grab some cereal and take Freddie into the living room. I sat down with Freddie on my lap, I look round and see Miley, Daisy, Steve, Darren, Tia and Jamie.

"Hey guys" I says smiling at them.

"Hey Mimi" they say back.

"Got any plans today?" I asked.

"Nope" the girls answered.

"Me and the boys are going to the football game in a bit" the boys cheered.

"Maybe us girls could go baby shopping" I suggested.

"Yeah" the girls squealed, wow it's only baby shopping I thought.

"Okay I'll go ring Megan and see if she wants to come as well" I said and start getting up.

"Tell Oliver to hurry up, we're waiting for him" Jamie shouted whilst I headed upstairs.

I walked into my room and see that Oliver was in the shower. I picked up my phone and rang Megan, we chatted for a while and she told me she had some news to tell everyone, I told her I would pick her up. I looked over to the bathroom and see Oliver walking out of there in just a towel. I watched as he walked past me and into the closet, he left the door open so I leant back slightly so I could see him, yes I know it sound stalkerish but if you have a hot fiancée like me then you will do the exact same.

"Like what you see" he asks with a smirk.

"Yeah-I mean shut up" I said.

"The boys want you to hurry up cause there going to the game soon and me and the girls are going shopping now" I say.

"Okay babe" he says and kisses me lovingly on my lips.

I kiss back and carry on with so much passion. We pulled away from lack of breath then we both headed downstairs hand in hand. All the boys went in the truck and drove off to watch the game whilst me and the girls went in two cars. Miley, Daisy and Tia are going in Miley's car, whilst me and Freddie go in my car and pick up Megan as well.

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