Chapter 23

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~1 month later~

I wake up to the cry of Freddie wanting to be fed. I got up and picked him up, I headed back downstairs and to the kitchen, with little Reggie following not far behind. I gave him his bottle and rocked him gently. I pop Reggie out to let him do his business and then we head back upstairs and put Freddie gently back in his crib. Reggie gets into his bed and I laid back down in my bed and fell back asleep.

~Later that day~

Me and Oliver were sat on our own in the living room whilst Tia and Jamie took Freddie and Reggie to the park. We were talking about the future, us getting married and about our three children, maybe more?

"Babe, I had an idea" Oliver said.

"What's that babe?" I asked.

"Well maybe it's best to marry before the babies are born?" he questioned.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same" I say.

"Why don't we start organising it now?" he asked nervously.

I thought for a second and then smiled brightly, "Yeah" I squealed. I had one question on my mind right now, 'Where do we start?' I thought.

~The next day~

We told my mum and the rest of the pack and they soon started suggesting ideas, which made us laugh. They've been waiting for us to finally decide to marry. At the moment mum and Oliver were organising a secret location for the wedding whilst me and the girls were looking through wedding magazines what we brought earlier today, we also brought some invitation samples.

"I like this invitation" Miley said picking up a light blue one.

"I prefer this one" Daisy said picking up a pink one.

"Guys we haven't even decided on a colour scheme yet" I whined.

"I'll go ask Oliver what colour scheme" Tia said.

"I'll go" I offered.

"No, we've been given instructions to keep you away from the pack office" she said smirking.

"Whatever" I said sticking my tongue out.

A while later she came back into my room with a piece of paper.

"What's that for" I asked.

"List of things you're in charge of and it also says the colour scheme on it" she said and passed it to me. I read it and it said-

Mimi's wedding list-

•Wedding dress+ bridesmaids dresses


I will organise the rest of the stuff babe, by the way the colour scheme is white and light blue(because I know blue is your favourite colour).

Love you baby loads and loads, see you later,

Love Oliver xxxxx

Aww, but that means he's in charge of most of the wedding, the reception and the honeymoon! Wow he's taking on a lot.

"So what does it say?" the girls asked.

"We've only got to organise the cake and the dresses but I also want to get Oliver a wedding present" I say.

"Okay well Oliver told me that the wedding should be under three months away, so we have a while to sort things" Tia said.

"Okay so we can chill for a week or so" I said. The girls put down the magazines and we just relaxed for the night whilst looking after Freddie.

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