Chapter 12

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In the morning I found myself laid naked on my bed, I wonder how I got here? I then noticed Cassie laid beside me. I quickly looked under the cover and saw she was naked as well, nice. I got up and changed into some jogging bottoms. I jogged downstairs and saw the house was a tip. There was people passed out on the ground, cups all over and drink stains on the floor. I walked round and woke up the people who were passed out. I grabbed a coffee to keep me awake, normally people would have hangovers but werewolves don't luckily. I took off for a jog, I needed some time alone. I jogged along the beach wishing I could be my wolf.

When I got bored of jogging I sat down on the sand, not wanting to go back to the messy house. I watched people surf in the sea and girls in their bikini's prancing about. My phone started vibrating disturbing my thoughts.

"Hey?" I ask.

"It's Freddie, mum wants us to go over so we can go shopping together" Freddie says.

"Sure will be back soon" I say, ending the call. I slowly got up and headed back to the house.

When I walked through the door, the house was looking reasonably clean. Freddie, Logan, Sasha and Georgina were stood round waiting for me.

"Hey" I say.

"Bro finally, we're going now so be quick if you're getting changed" Logan replies.

I quickly ran upstairs, had a shower then changed into some jeans and a shirt. I jogged back down and saw they we're still waiting for me.

"Ready" I shouted.

We all went out to the cars and drove over to the house where mum and dad are at. We walked in and saw mum, dad, Asher, Jay, Casey, Isaac and Alex in the kitchen.

"Hey kids how was your first night?" mum asks.

"Good thanks mum" Sasha says for us all.

"Well today we're going into the town to buy some new summer clothes" Dad tells us.

"Okay" we replied.

We got into the cars and headed off to the shops. Mum, Sasha, Georgina, Casey, Asher, Alex and Isaac went together shopping. Whilst dad, me, Freddie, Logan and Jay went together to walk round and pretended we we're going to look for clothes because there is no chance we're actually going clothes shopping!

After about two hours of looking round shops, we ended up buying a new Xbox. Also some new games to go with it. We met up with mum and the others and headed back to their house. The boot was full of bags of clothes and games. When we got back, mum made us all a meal then we headed back to our house with the new Xbox, games and clothes.

We threw the clothes into our rooms then set up the Xbox and started playing. We decided to not have a party tonight to save some money. I gave up on playing on the Xbox and went up to my room, where I saw Cassie laid on my bed.

"Finally babe" she says huskily.

I looked at her confused, I thought she went home. I then realised I didn't really care and slowly walked towards her and saw she was only wearing one of my tops again. I kissed her roughly, I knew she wasn't my mate because I didn't feel the way dad explained how your meant to feel towards a mate.

Cassie was laid besides me panting whilst I just laid down falling asleep.

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