Chapter 16

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Today I get to see my mate Natasha again, I think I should tell her about me being a werewolf. I just hope she takes it as well as Vanessa did. I changed into some shorts and a white button shirt. I grabbed my phone and went to the beach, it was nearly noon so it won't be long till Natasha gets here hopefully. Luckily the mystic beach was the one down the road from our holiday house. I sat down and waited for a text from Natasha. She might of ditched me for someone else?! Oh I hope she hasn't! I waited nervously, checking my phone every few seconds. I then heard laughter behind me, I looked up and saw Natasha's beautiful face.

"Did you think I ditched you?" she asked laughing still.

"No" I lied.

"Oh I'll just go then" she answered.

"No don't go, you only just got here" I begged.

"Ha I knew you wanted me to come!" she said happily.

"Whatever" I stuck my tongue out.

"So what you want to do?" she asked.

"We could hang here or go for a walk in the forest?" I asked unsure.

"Forest! I love the outdoors!" She screamed nearly.

"Oh okay the forest it is" I laughed. Yes! She loves the outdoors, she's just so perfect! We walked towards the forest talking to each other.

"So tell me about yourself" I asked her.

"Okay well my name is Natasha Mae Falls, I'm eighteen. I love the outdoors and music. I have an older sister called Jordan who's 27. Both my parents have passed away so I live with her and that's it really" she says sweetly.

"Aww babe I'm sorry to hear about your parents" I said sadly rubbing her arm.

"It's okay, they passed away a few years ago from an animal attack" she said sadly.

"Oh that's...harsh" I said not sure what to say.

"Anyways tell me about you" she said changing the subject.

"Okay well my name's Logan Zack Wilson, I'm eighteen. I have a twin brother and six other siblings with three more on the way. I enjoy sports and that's it really" I replied.

"Wow your going to have ten siblings?!" she asked shocked.

"Yeah mum loves kids" I joked.

"She must" she laughed. We carried on walking and soon got to the forest. I made sure no one was about then looked at Natasha.

"I have a secret" I say quietly.

"What is it?" she asks.

"Okay, promise you won't run away and I'll show you" I say and she nods so I shift into my wolf and she gasps.

"You're a werewolf!" she squeals.

"So you know about us?" I asked turning back to my human form.

"Well yeah because...I'm one" she whispers.

"Your one?!" I nearly shouted.

"Shh yeah and when I said my parents died from an animal attack it was by some rogues" she says sadly.

"Oh that's...horrible!" I growled.

"Yeah, I want to know, why did you tell me you're a wolf?" she asks.

"Because....your...m-my mate" I say nervously.

"Wow really?" she asked shocked.

"Yeah my wolf told me" I say smiling slightly.

"Oh...I thought I felt something different towards you but couldn't work out why. You need me to accept you, don't you?" She asks.

"Well yeah" I said nervously, I'm scared she's going to reject me, I already couldn't live without her.

"I d-" she started saying.

"Look I'm not rushing you and I promise I would never rush you" I say softly.

"I-I accept" she says softly leaning towards me.

I break the distance and kiss her gently on her lips. She kissed me back more roughly. I pull away not wanting to rush her and held her hand smiling.

"Do you want to come see my family?" I asked her.

"Okay babe" she smiled happily.

"But before we do, I want to do this properly. Will you be my...girlfriend?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah" she squealed and hugged me. I smiled happily and we walked back to mine.

When we got to the house Asher and Casey ran to us.

"Logan!" they shouted.

"Hey guys this is Natasha and Natasha this is Asher and Casey" I introduced them. We walked into the kitchen and saw mum and Sasha cooking.

"Hi mum, Sasha, this is Natasha and Natasha this is Sasha and Mimi" I say.

They said there hi's then we headed to the living room leaving Asher and Casey in the kitchen. We walked into the living room and saw Alex and Isaac on the Xbox.

"Natasha this my little brother Isaac and my cousin Alex, boys this is Natasha" I introduced. They said there hi's as well then we headed to the other living room.

"Natasha this is Cole, Freddie and Jay" I said pointing to each of my brothers.

"Bro's this is Natasha" I say.

"Hey Natasha" they said then went back to their game. We walked out and headed to the office.

"Sorry about them" I apologised.

"It's fine my nephews are just like them" she giggled. I knocked on the office door and heard a reply from my father.

"Hey dad this is my mate Natasha" I said walking in with Natasha behind me.

"Hello dear, I'm Oliver and you must be Natasha" he smiled kindly.

"She's one of us dad" I said happily.

"Wow that's amazing, what pack are you apart of?" he asked Natasha.

"I'm not, it's just me, my sister, her husband and kids" she replied.

"Oh, well I could organise you to join ours seeing as your Logan's mate" he asked in his alpha mode.

"I don't think Jordan or Malcolm would want to, because they want to live 'normal' lives also isn't it up to the alpha?" she asked.

"Well actually I am the alpha of our pack" Dad says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh wow, so sorry that I didn't realise, I've never been round an alpha before" She says nervously and bows.

"No need for formality's Natasha, well if you wanted you could join on your own?" he asked.

"I want to, but I need to ask Jordan first" she smiled.

"Okay well let us know when you do" he said smiling.

"Will do sir" she smiled.

We headed up to my room and talked about random stuff the rest of the day till she fell asleep on me.

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