Chapter 16

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It's been a few days now since little Freddie was born, he is such a cutie. He has Diego's brown eyes and his facial features but he has Ann's blonde hair. I walked to Ann's room and saw her sat on the couch with Freddie in her arms.

"Hey Ann" I say smiling.

"Heya" she says smiling back.

"Me and Oliver was wondering if you wanted us to babysit little Freddie for a little while so you can catch up on sleep?" I ask sheepishly, she-wolves are very protective over their babies specially when their under a week old.

"Are you sure? Tonight's meant to be your second try at a birthday party seeing as this little one wanted to crash it" Ann says laughing at Freddie.

"Don't worry, I'd love to babysit Freddie" I say smiling.

"Yeah that would be amazing " she smiled.

"When do you want us to take him?" I ask.

"After dinner? Then Freddie shouldn't need feeding" she says.

"Yeah that's fine, I'll bring him back in the morning or you can just come to our room and get him but please tell us first cause I don't want to wake up freaking out" I say laughing gingerly.

"Ok" she joins in laughing.

"He's just so cute" I say wiggling his little toes.

"Yeah he is but I feel bad for him cause there's a massive age gap between him and Maisy so he won't have any play mates in the pack" she says sadly.

"I doubt he will be short of friends with his adorable looks but remember Hermione's having a child in a few months and also..." I start to get nervous, only me and Oliver know I'm pregnant.

"What Mimi?" she asks sheepishly.

"I-I uh I- I'm...." I say nervously.

"Spit it out Mimi" she says annoyed.

"I'm- pregnant" I say and look down. I hear her gasp and hug me with one arm. I look up at her and smile.

"How long?" she asks excitedly but something was off about her excitement but I couldn't figure out what.

"Nearly 9 weeks" I say smiling.

"That's amazing, Freddie will have a little playmate" Ann says smiling, but it not quite seeming genuine.

"Actually he'll have two, I'm having twins " I say happily.

"That's amazing, does anyone else know?" she asks.

"Just you and Oliver but were telling people later when we do birthday presents" I smile.

"Okay" I hear Freddie start crying.

"Ok I'll leave you be, I'll see you soon in the living room" I smile and give her a hug and a kiss on Freddie's cheek. I walk out and back to mine and Oliver's room.


Everyone was sat around the living room. Me and Oliver was sat on the floor next to each other. Ann was with Freddie on a chair. Mum was sat with Auntie Hermione and Uncle Cody. Auntie Hermione was getting bigger now, she's six months pregnant with a little girl. I wonder how big I'm going to get, especially with twins!

The rest of the pack was sat in various places around the room. I was passed presents from people around the room. I opened my presents from the pack, I got some new clothes, shoes, a new cute dress from Tia, a matching pair of heels from Megan and a framed picture of Freddie from Ann, and then Oliver grabbed my hand.

"Come on time for my present for you" he said smiling. I followed behind him and he lead us up to our room. I opened up the room and saw...

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