Chapter 9

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Oliver's Pov

.....It was Anastasia who was near me. She was looking down at me with a slight smile on her face. Her long blonde hair was tucked behind her ears; she sat down next to me and looked up at the night sky then closed her eyes.

"How do you know?" I asked her. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"I just know, she's been my best friend nearly my whole life also I know how she feels, when Diego told me I was his mate it took me a while to understand but then I realised I loved him just as much" she smiled. I looked at her and she seemed so happy and in love.

"So what should I do then?" I questioned.

"I don't know, we have all done different things. Me and Diego have always been in each other's lives and one day he took me aside and just kissed me but I felt that spark and when he told me I couldn't deny it. Jamie brought Tia back to the pack house and went on a run and they just got together and Tia soon got used to being Jamie's mate and now they are inseparable"

"So just do whatever comes to mind" she replied then stood up "I like you and I think you and Mimi will work it out".

She gave me a quick hug and went back into the pack house. I looked at the space where Ann was sat a minute ago. She's right, tomorrow when she shows me around I'm just going to let my wolf take over. But before I go back to my room I need a run so I took my clothes off and put them near the fence then shifted into my wolf and ran into the woods. Running for miles, letting it help clear my mind.

After my run it was about three in the morning, I'm always surprised at how quick time goes when I have a run. I shifted back to my human form and put my clothes back on which I left at the fence. I walked into the house tip toeing around thinking everyone was asleep but when I walked around the corner I saw Anastasia walking out of a room, I'm guessing it was her room or Diego's but I wasn't sure. She saw me and looked away but I noticed that she was crying.

"Hey what's wrong" I whispered.

"N-nothing j-just getting a drink" she tried whispering over the tears.

"Come on I know your upset, you can tell me" I whispered again. She nodded and wiped away her tears.

"Let's go into your room" she said and started walking towards my room.

I followed her confused at why she wanted to go to my room, but followed anyways. When I got to my room I was surprised at what I saw......

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