Chapter 8

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There was no one else in the room except me and the boy. Why? How? What? How did that door close?! I then realised why....he's a sorcerer. I look at him with wide eyes whilst he slowly stood up with a smirk plastered on his face. I got ready to run out of the room but couldn't because the boy did something to me so I couldn't move. He walked closer to me and looked at me up and down.

"You're a werewolf" he smiled evilly.

"Walk and sit on the bed" he commanded.

I was about to shout no but my legs were moving on their own accord and nothing came out my mouth. I then had an idea...get Oliver through wolf connection. I was just about to change when, the boy had an even bigger smirk on his face.

"Don't even bother I've done a spell so you can't do anything that I don't want you to do" He laughs.

He was walking over to me and crouched in front of me, Oh no, what is he going to do to me? I wish Oliver was here to save me. Why does this keep happening? I couldn't do anything to save myself all I could do was cry and that's exactly what I did. Tears were trickling down my cheeks whilst the boy was smirking more.

"I've always wanted to experiment on a werewolf, you are now my slave you got that!" the boy spat.

"Ok master" I said in a emotionless voice.

"Hmm, where should I start? Maybe I could see if I could separate you from your wolf...or give you a wolf body with your human head..." He thinks aloud.

I heard a click of the door opening and a gasp. I looked up and saw...Oliver? No it can't be he looks older, maybe? I couldn't tell, this spell is messing with my mind. We were both staring into each other's eyes till he noticed the boy in front of me. He mumbled a sorry and was about to walk away, why would Oliver leave me? Somehow I managed to break the spell for just a moment, whilst the boy was distracted, he must be a new sorcerer.

"NO DON'T! HELP ME!!" I shouted. He came back more into the room.

"What?" he asked me. The boy in front of me was trying to cover my mouth, but I bit his finger and he jumped away from me.

"Help me please he's trying to experiment on me" I say with tears threatening to fall. He saw my watery eyes and ran over to me and tried to pick me up.

"You can't move me he's put a spell on me" I say looking at the boy getting back to his feet.

The boy turned around and snarled at the sorcerer, they both got into defence stances. The boy who might be Oliver started changing into a....werewolf! Yay it is Oliver!. The werewolf started launching himself at the sorcerer whilst he was doing spells on the werewolf. They was like this for a while till the werewolf fell to the ground....No! That can't happen! He's my mate! I wanted to scream and shout and kill that boy but all I could do was sit and watch.

The sorcerer smirked proudly and started walking towards me. He was stood near the bed but then the werewolf jumped up and then bit the sorcerer on the shoulder. He carried on biting till the sorcerer collapsed. The werewolf turned back into his human form, I steadily got off the bed, feeling the spell starting to wear off. I stepped over the near lifeless body of the sorcerer and toward Oliver. Suddenly I felt something on my leg, I looked down and saw a...hand!

I screamed and was pulled to the floor I looked over and saw the zombie looking body of the sorcerer, when I got closer I was about to hit him to get him off me but he popped something in my mouth. Sadly my first reaction was to swallow, everything started to get very dizzy. I saw Oliver run over and punch the sorcerer in the face and this time making sure he was dead. He came over to me and helped me up, I looked at his gorgeous eyes and kissed him. He didn't kiss me back at start which confused me but then he kissed me back I wound my fingers in his hand and he put his hands on my waist. We were getting into it till we heard someone clear their throat. We pulled apart and looked at the intruder who happened to be...Oliver?! I looked at him then at the boy standing next to me.

"Hi brother" the boy I was just kissing said to Oliver...wait what?! I looked at them both then fell and everything went black....

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