Chapter 3

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{My stories version of imprinting- They can have their first transformation whenever, wherever between the ages of thirteen to nineteen. Boys can imprint at any age after their transformation. If they don't find their mates by the age of 20 or if they get rejected they have to find another mate less female and marry her and have the next generation. But if the male or female find their mates they will get with their mate, sounds harsh but it's the tradition that mates should be together as long as they don't reject one another. Sometimes they won't find there mates for years and years}

Oliver's POV

I saw her gracefully walking down the stairs she looked so beautiful. I saw her long black hair flowing as she took each step. I couldn't stop looking into those gorgeous brown eyes, I could easily get lost in them. I soon snapped out of it, what am I saying she's my soon to be step sister! When she got to the bottom of the stairs she just looked at me and I just looked at her. I could stay like this forever just looking into each other's eyes. Hayley interrupted our moment by clearing her throat and I nearly growled at her. It then hit me, oh no it's not what I think it is.

'You better believe it kid, that there is your mate' My wolf spoke to me.

'No she can't be she's my step sister' I say confused.

'Well technically you're not blood related and also Tom hasn't married her mum yet' My wolf encourages me.

'So what should I do?' I ask.

'Stop the wedding' My wolf said seriously.

'I can't do that!' I said shocked.

'Well at least tell her' My wolf said annoyed.

I decided to ignore my wolf's ideas for now, I need to get my head straight I've only just got here and Tom would be so angry if I messed up his plan's on marrying Hayley. I'm not sure why he's so determined to marry her, he doesn't love her and I'm pretty sure we didn't meet her by accident. My head was spinning from all the stuff going round my head, I decided to just blank my mind for now and think about it later when I'm alone.

Hayley was being welcomed back by her family and I took this opportunity to look at them. I noticed that Mimi and Diego didn't look much like Hayley, except for Diego having brown hair like his mum, so they must take after their dad. I then looked over at Diego's mate, they didn't mention her name just that she was his mate. She seemed lovely but quite shy, hiding behind her long blonde hair but I noticed her eyes, they was interesting she had a slight violet tinge to her blue eyes, I've not seen eyes like that before but it was nowhere near as beautiful as Mimi's. I started to look at Mimi again but was stopped when I heard Hayley telling her family the news. I looked round at their reactions but I couldn't tell if they was speechless from happiness or from being angry.

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