Chapter 7

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Mimi's Pov

I looked in the mirror and saw I had lemonade all in my hair, stupid Oliver. I walked to my ensuite and quickly washed my hair then walked back into my room and changed my outfit to leggings and a nice white t-shirt. I then towel dried my hair and walked back downstairs into the living room. I looked at everyone sat talking with each other, so I went and sat on the floor next to Ann. 

"Okay kids like you know me and Tom are getting married. I know you're not that happy about it but I thought I could never love again since Christian, your father, but now I have Tom who makes me really happy. I know he will never replace your father but please be happy for me and accept this marriage" mum said pleading with her eyes to me and Diego.

A few minutes passed in silence, and then Diego stood up and walked over to Mum and Tom.

"I accept but if you hurt my mum you won't live to see another day" he warned with a growl.

Mum screamed and hugged Diego. I looked at mum and Tom and they seemed happy, I stood up.

"I accept as well but don't expect me to start calling you dad also I get to choose my dress!" I said happily.

Everyone looked at me and I smiled at them, then mum walked over to me and gave a tight squeeze.

"Mum..... Can't......Breathe" I spluttered out.

"Oh sorry honey just Soooo happy" mum said letting go of me.

Mum decided to make a special dinner to celebrate the engagement. Tom and Oliver went upstairs, I'm guessing to go talk about something, I would normally use my wolf hearing to hear what they were saying but sadly all the rooms are soundproof for privacy reason's.

The whole pack helped with the dinner, the girls did the cooking and the boys sorted out getting food and sorting the table out. When dinner was ready everyone was sat down at the table except me, Diego and mum and also Oliver. I then noticed Oliver walking into the dining room and sat next to Maisy and Jamie. Me, mum and Diego then handed out the food and when we finished we sat down at the table.

"Before we start I think it's time we did introductions cause I don't think Oliver and Tom knows all your names yet" mum said loudly causing everyone to quieten down.

I didn't really listen after that because I knew everyone's names already. I talked to mum a bit at dinner about the wedding; she told me that she is hoping to get married as soon as possible. She was ever so excited about it all.

When dinner was finished I helped clean up whilst Mum and Tom went upstairs to unpack and I think Oliver went up to his room to unpack as well. It was only me and Ann washing up whilst everyone went off back to their own houses and some of the boys went to watch the game.

"So what you think of Oliver, he's kind of cute" Ann said winking at me.

"Eww no, remember he's my soon to be brother" I told her, it's a weird feeling that he will be my brother soon. 

"Doesn't mean you can't think he's cute plus you're not blood related" she said.

"Yeah.... But-" I started.

"But what? Hmmmm" she said cocking an eyebrow up.

"Oh whatever" I finished cleaning up then walked up to my room.

I quickly changed into a grey pair of trackies and a black vest top. I put my iPod on the docking station and it started playing super bass by Nicki Minaj. I danced along for a while but then heard a knock on the door.......

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