Chapter 25

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Diego's Pov

When I woke up, I jumped up and got into action I needed to get them back and soon. I quickly kissed my mums cheek and woke up Rory who stayed with us over night, even though I told him he didn't need to.

"Hey wake up we need to get back to the pack house" I said shaking him.

He jumped up from shock but soon realised where we were. He quickly gave mum a kiss on the cheek and we ran out the hospital towards my car. When we got into the pack house we all started to get into action. Hermione and Maisy were going to the hospital to stay with mum whilst the rest of us got ready to fight. Tia rang up the rest of the pack whilst the rest of us planned what we were going to do. I remembered that Oliver was in the doctor's room and quickly ran there to see if he was able to join us. But when I got there he wasn't in the bed anymore however there was a note instead, it said-

{Dear whoever, I have gone to find my mate and couldn't wait any longer, Oliver}

I ran back downstairs and gave the pack the letter. It didn't take long for the rest of the pack to come round to get prepared. We were going to split up into four groups again and surround the cabin. We all shifted into out wolf forms and ran to the cabin where my mate and maybe also my little sister are....

Tony's Pov

In front of me stood Oliver, he used to be a member of this pack until he found his mate and disobeyed Tom. How did he know where we were, all he knew was that we disliked the Scartlet Pack but he knew nothing of our real plans against them. Our previous plan was for Tom to join the pack through Hayley and get inside information and then to wait a while longer and then we kidnap the girls at the same time and kill them so all the males lost their mates then take the rest of the pack down one by one. But we decided on a new plan when Tom found out that Oliver mated on Mimi and we decided to kidnap her and Diego's mate and me and Tom would marry them and have them as our slaves. I looked at him then saw he had a dagger. Before I could say anything he plunged the dagger just above my heart, the best place to make someone die slowly and painfully. I fell down to the ground and I put my hand where the dagger was just placed.

"How dare you take my mate" Oliver growled.

"I deserve this but please forgive me I didn't want any of this to happen. I've changed Oliver; the others are upstairs knocked out and tied up. The girls are down in the cells, hurry" I croaked out.

"Why?" was all he could ask.

"I've had enough of my dad's wicked ways-" before I could say anymore everything turned pitch black....

Oliver's Pov

I watched Tony fall to the ground with a single tear running down his cheek. I knelt beside him,

"I'm so sorry man" I say softly.

I felt bad for what I did but I couldn't give him chance to attack me first. I can't change what's happened but I will make sure they don't let rogue's eat his corpse. I heard some movement upstairs, they must be waking up. I quickly ran down to the basement where Tony said the girls were. There were three cell doors, I went over to the first one and it was empty. I went over to the next room and felt something hit me and soon everything went dark....

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