Chapter 10

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Today we're going back home which was a bit of a pain because I was actually having fun with the family. Everyone was saying their goodbyes to each other and so was I.

"See you soon" I say to the family members that was still here, hugging grandma.

"Oh and tell Megan, congrats on the baby" I say to Ella and Alex.

We all packed our tents and stuff away and put then into the cars. We said goodbyes to each other again and got into our separate cars. Alex was coming with us though to give Megan and Rory some time with baby Abigail. Me, Logan and Sasha were going in my car. Freddie, Isaac, Jay and Alex are going in Freddie's car. Whilst mum, dad, Asher and Casey are going in the family car. I started the engine and sped off back home with Freddie close behind.

~Back home~

We finished unpacking the cars and finally relaxed in our rooms. It was a fun car journey with Logan and Sasha, we talked about being werewolves. Sasha is still a bit uncertain about it but likes that she's a lot faster and stronger. I unpacked my suitcase then laid on my bed. My phone vibrated, I saw it was a text from Cassie.

'Hey babe, heard your back want to come round? Xxxxx' it read.

'Hi babe yeah I'm back and sure will come round now' I text back. I got off my bed and quickly shouted,

"Off out to friends" I shout.

I go to my car and drive to Cassie's. I rang the doorbell and walked in. I come here a lot so her mum doesn't mind me walking in, she's normally out or passed out anyway. I jog upstairs to Cassie and see her getting changed.

"Looking hot" I wolf whistled.

"Thanks baby" she says smiling. She walks towards me placing her hands on my chest and kisses me roughly. I kiss her back and lay her down on the bed.

I pull on my jeans and watch as Cassie puts my shirt on.

"Mmmm" I moan. I walk up to her and lift her up letting my top move so she's not fully covered.

"Baby stop teasing me I have to go shopping with the girls" she whines.

"Can't you cancel babe" I whine.

"Babe I cancelled last time and I really need some more clothes" she says kissing me.

"Oh" I say with my bottom lip sticking out.

"Okay I have to go bye babe" she says kissing me roughly. We head downstairs and jump into separate cars, I speed off home.

"Hey I'm back" I shout walking through the door.

"Could you come in here Cole got something to tell everyone" Dad shouts back from the living room. I head to the living room and see everyone sat on the sofa except mum and dad. I quickly join the others and look at mum and dad.

"Mum you've already told us your pregnant" I say jokingly, what makes everyone laugh.

"No this is something else, me and your father decided to take you all to....Los Angeles!" she screams happily. Sasha jumps up and down whilst me and Logan high five, yes fit chicks!

"When we going?" Freddie asks.

"In a few days and Georgina is coming as well" mum says.

"Are we aloud friends round?" I ask.

"Well me and your mother were talking about this and we decided that we're going to use both homes we have there. Me, your mum, Casey, Asher, Alex, Jay and Isaac are going in one house. Then Freddie, Cole, Logan, Sasha and Georgina are going in the over. We are trusting you to behave but you must promise that we spend the last week together" Father says sternly "So yes that means you can have friends over, but if you trash the house your all cleaning it up!". We all nodded and excitedly went to the den, leaving mum, dad, Alex, Isaac, Jay, Casey and Asher in the living room.

"We're going to have so many parties!" I say excitedly to the others.

"Yes" They all cheered.

"Just got to make sure nothing gets trashed" Freddie says.

"We can put valuables in the office and lock them away?" Logan suggests.

"So it's sorted then, we're going to be known for having the best parties in LA" I say.

We high fived each other, then me, Logan, Freddie and Jay played a game of football outside.

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