Chapter 17

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I opened the door and saw....boxes for two cribs and sat on my bed was one of the cutest things in the world, a puppy! I ran over to the puppy and petted it, aww it's a German Shepard. I picked the puppy up and just cuddled him. I looked over to Oliver and squealed, I put the puppy back down and ran to Oliver I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Thank you thank you thank you" I say excitedly.

"It's okay babe" he says smiling.

I gave him a massive kiss on the lips and got off him. I went over to the boxes and saw that he got two gorgeous ivory cots.

"I would of got more baby stuff but I knew you would of wanted to get it" he said.

"Thanks, you shouldn't of done all this for me" I gave him a peck on the cheek. I walked back to the excited puppy and picked him up and rested him on my lap.

"Has he got a name?" I asked sheepishly.

"Nope it's for you to decide" he says.

"Hmm I will call him...Reggie!" I say.

"Oh by the way were babysitting Freddie tonight babe" I told Oliver.

"Ok" he smiles.

"Should we go down and tell people the news?" I ask.

"Yeah before they notice themselves" he grabs my hand and I pick up Reggie.

We all walked downstairs and back into the living room where everyone was still sat chatting away. They looked up and saw me, Oliver and Reggie.

"Aww he's so cute" Tia shrieks.

"I know" I smile.

"I am right here girls" Rory says with a smirk.

"Eww no, we're talking about Reggie obviously" I say.

"Ok guys we have some news" I say quietly but because of our wolf hearing they all heard.

"What is it sweetie?" my mum asks.

"I-I'm....ask Oliver" I chickened out.

"She-She is well uh-" he got nervous rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm pregnant" I quickly said feeling awkward. Everyone looked at me wide-eyed.

"W-wow sweetie congrats, I'm going to be a grandma...again!" mum says and gives me a hug.

"Thanks mum" I smiled. Everyone snapped out of their trance and came over and hugged me.

"So how far long are you?" I had everyone asking.

"Calm down guys, I'm nearly nine weeks and the bigger news is...I'm having twins " I say smiling.

"Aww" people said.

We carried on talking with everyone and being fussed over by the adults. Then me, Oliver and Reggie went upstairs to prepare for Freddie to sleep in our room. I walked up and realised Oliver didn't get any dog stuff so I left Reggie with Oliver and quickly got in my car and drove off and went to the nearest shopping mall. I parked the car and walked in and went straight to a pet shop. I grabbed a trolley and walked to the dog section. I looked at all the different beds, hmm I'll get him this really fluffy and comfy looking black bed and popped it into the trolley. I carried on looking and ended up buying dog food, bowls, travel cage, collar with his name on and dog treats and toys.

I headed over to the check out and paid for everything. I started walking towards the car park when I saw a baby shop, it won't hurt being a few minutes longer. I quickly walked over to the baby section and had a look around. I looked at everything and all I could think of I'll have to get everything in twos but not until another time. I started walking away but saw a super cute outfit. I headed to it and picked it up, it was for a boy and had a pair of light blue trousers, a white top with the superman logo on it and it also had little socks and shoes with it. I got the right size for Freddie and another for a new born and popped them to the check up and payed. I put all the shopping in the boot and got in my car and drove home.

When I got home I shouted in the house for a bit of help and Jamie came out to help. He grabbed the travel cage and a few bags of stuff, I grabbed the rest of the bags and we walked in. Jamie dropped the bags off in my room.

"Thanks Jamie" I shout as he heads back downstairs.

Oliver was sat on the bed with Freddie in his arms. I started unpacking things, I put Reggie's bed near our sofa and put the travel cage in my closet. I put Reggie's collar on him and placed him back down on his bed, aww he looks so cute. I grabbed a treat and gave it to Reggie whilst I got the two boy outfits out.

I showed Oliver them and he smiled, I took the new born baby one and put it into my closet and put the other one near Oliver. I sat next to him and smiled down at Freddie, he looks so cute when he's sleeping. I took Freddie from Oliver so he could stretch and put the dog food and bowls downstairs. I cradled Freddie for a little while and took him over to the cot in our room. I put him down and laid a kiss on his forehead. I walked into the closet and changed into my pj's I came back out and saw Oliver leaning over Freddie. I got into bed and laid down, I looked over to Oliver and saw him smiling. He went into our closet and came back out in his boxers. I watched him as he walked towards the bed.

"Like what you see" he asks and raises an eyebrow and smirks.

I blink my eyes a few times then stick my tongue out. He slides into bed next to me and I snuggle up to him and soon drift off to sleep.

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