Chapter 12

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I looked around and saw Oliver, the last person I wanted it to be.

"It's not what it seems" I said quickly.

"Well it seems to me you two were kissing, so if it's not that, what were you two doing hmm?" he asked angrily.

"Ok maybe it is what it seems but.. I didn't kiss him he kissed me!" I quickly said.

"It involves two people to kiss!" he shouted.

"This is the second time I've caught you two kissing, I forgave you both for the first kiss because you was drugged but this one I don't even know if I can forgive you" he shouts. "I've had enough" he shouts then runs off.

"Oliver" I shout after him and start running after him but Louis stops me.

"Mimi he needs his space" he says softly.

"I don't want to talk to you, it's your fault this happened!" I shout and run off.

I try following Oliver but I lost his track, I cuss at myself and stop running. I sit down and lean against the tree next to me. I let out a sigh, what just happened? I asked myself. I need to find out what Oliver was talking about when he said that was mine and Louis's second kiss? Why did I kiss Louis in the first place? Was the kiss the reason why Oliver kept giving Louis death glares? I need to find out the answers soon or I'm going to go mad! I got up off the ground and started walking back to the pack house.

When I got back I went straight upstairs to Anastasia's room. I knock on her door lightly and open the door before she answers and close my door behind me.

"Hey what's wrong hun?" Ann asks. I look up and see her sitting on the corner sofa in her/Diego's room.

"Hey and just...everything" I say sadly.

"Aww come here hun" she says patting the sofa.

I walk over and sat down next to her, her bump was quite big now. She was eight months now, time has flown by, I can remember when she first told me she was pregnant.

"So tell me what's up chick" she asks.

"I-Erm well me and Louis kissed and Oliver saw and he said that was the second time we kissed but I can't remember the first time and he ran away" I say quickly.

"Oh my days" she said shocked.

"But I don't know what to do, I want to find out what's happened but I know I need to give him space" I say sadly.

"Why don't we have a sleepover and you can talk to him tomorrow" she says with a small smile.

"Ok" I say smiling slightly.

"Let's just have a carefree night and scoff our faces with ice cream" Ann says smiling more. She always knew how to cheer me up when I felt down.

~The Next Day~

Last night was so much fun, we haven't had a sleepover in ages. We watched lady and the tramp 1 and 2, we ate ice cream and got takeaway pizza. We didn't stay up as late as we used to because of Ann being pregnant. This morning I woke up feeling a lot better than yesterday, I saw that Ann was already up so I headed to my room and had a quick shower. I wrapped a towel around me and went into my walk in closet. I decided on some jeans, a light grey top and a jacket. I sorted my hair out and put on some makeup. I walked down the stairs and grabbed some breakfast, mum and Ann were in the kitchen as well.

"Hey sweetie feeling better" Mum asks happily.

"Yes thanks mum" I say with a smile.

I gave her and Ann a quick hug and walked into the living room. Tia, Steve, Darren and Louis were sat down chatting, when they noticed me they stopped talking and smiled at me.

"Hey what you guys doing?" I asked them.

"Oh nothing just talking" Tia says.

"Ok" I say and walk out the room.

I have a feeling there keeping something from me but I push the thought to the back of my head, I wanted to talk to Oliver before anyone else. I head to the tv room and pop my head round the door I saw Jamie and Rory playing a game on the Xbox and Miley and Daisy dancing to Bruno mars. I walked away and back upstairs, Oliver must be in his room I thought to myself. I walked quickly to his room and knocked on the door and waited for a reply. There was no sound of movement or anything, I opened the door and peaked in. There was no one in the room but I noticed something white on the bed. I walked into the room and picked up the piece of paper and read,

Dear whoever reads this

I need my space so I've decided to go for a while. I don't know when or if I'll be back, please tell Ann that I hope her baby is happy and healthy. Also tell Mimi that I'm still not sure if I can forgive her but tell her no matter what I'll love her.

From Oliver

I read the note again, he's....gone.

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