Chapter 15

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A tear started to trickle down my cheeks whilst I looked at my mum and dad happy and alive. But then I realised there not, I saw what happened to them and Hayley told me that Christian was dead just like mum and dad are.

"Why are you here.... Where is here?" I asked them.

"Sweetie you're in heaven" a tear fell down her cheek.

"Why am I here?" I said getting confused.

"Well I don't really know why but we need to talk to you before you go back" Dad said.

"How do you know I'm going back?" I asked confused.

"Because your starting to disappear" mum said looking at my feet. I looked down and saw they were starting to fade. 

"Hi I'm Christian, Mimi and Diego's father" Christian said holding out his hand.

I shook his hand "Hi sir" I say.

"No need for sir, but I need to talk to you before you go" Christian said smiling.

"Ok-" I said stopping myself before I said sir.

"Well remember the day your parents died that wolf bit you on the leg, well it turned you into a wolf. It's very rare humans to be turned into a wolf by a wolf who isn't there mate" Christian said looking at me concerned. I nodded for him to continue.

"Because it's so rare that wolf is known as a royal wolf and is automatically the alpha of their pack" I looked at him confused, so does that mean I'm Alpha.

"Yes you're the alpha of Scarlet Moon Pack and I know you have imprinted on Mimi. Even if your alpha and I'm died I will still kick your a** if you hurt her" Christian warned me. 

"I would never hurt Mimi if I did I would be hurting myself as well" I said honestly. 

"So do you know who that wolf was?" I asked them.

"We do but we can't say" my Dad said sadly.

"Ok Dad" I said slightly annoyed that they couldn't tell me.

"So how's Louis?" my mum asked me. I looked down unsure what to say...           

Louis and I were put in Orphanage after our parents death. We both were affected by our parent's death in different ways. I stayed to myself, I was very quiet. Louis was different he pretended it didn't happen and took his anger out on me or people smaller than him. When I was 8 I was adopted by Tom and I've lived with him ever since. But I never knew what happened to Louis.....

"I-I don't know mum" I said with tears in my eyes.

"Oh wasn't you adopted together?" my mum asked confused.

"No sorry" I said sadly.

Christian came towards me and mum, "You will see Louis soon" he said then walked back.

"Oh okay thanks" I said feeling weird, I don't know if I want to see him or not because it would remind me of my past.

"It's so good to see you guys" I said hugging mum and dad. 

"It's good to see you as well sweetie but it's time for you to go" my mum said sadly. I looked down at my body and saw my whole body was nearly invisible.

"I love you both" I told my mum and dad.

"We love you too" they both said back.

"Please tell Mimi and Diego that I am proud of them, I also think you should tell Mimi she's your mate" Christian told me.

"I will do" I quickly said before a bright light appeared before my eyes and I was back on earth in some kind of doctor's room. Where I saw.......

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