Chapter 20

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When we finally got to the pack house, everyone was rushing around worried. I could see Hayley being comforted by her sister as she was panicking. Diego stood in front of the house facing everyone.

"Thank you all for coming so quickly, as you are all aware Mimi has been kidnapped by Tom. We're not sure as to why he has done this but all we know is that he has taken her into the woods. We need to split up and cover as much of the grounds and as quickly as possible. However we should re-join here at midnight and think of another plan if we don't find her" He said in a dominant voice.

Everyone nodded in agreement and sorted themselves into groups and was ready to set off. I ran over to Diego before he left.

"Be careful babe" I said kissing him.

"Like always, look after mum. We gave Oliver a dose just to calm him down as he was smashing the place up. He isn't in the right state to be doing this. He'll probably be asleep for a couple hours" Diego said then set off with his group. I watched as they ran into the woods in search for Mimi......

I followed Hayley into the kitchen. Hayley started crying about Mimi, the shock only just hitting her properly that her daughter has been kidnapped. I comforted her whilst she cried on my shoulder. When the tears started slowing down I helped her upstairs to her room and laid her down on the bed.

"I'll be right back I'm just getting you a drink" I said softly.

She nodded lightly whilst curling up into a ball. I kept the door open so that she could shout me if she needed anything. I feel so bad for her knowing that it's her own fiancée who kidnapped her daughter. I started walking downstairs to the kitchen and switched on the kettle and got two mugs out but froze when I heard a loud painful scream coming from upstairs. I ran to Hayley's room, where the scream came from. I slowly walked through the door and I saw the whole room was upside down. The curtains and bed sheets were ripped the television and lamps were smashed on the floor. I then saw Hayley sprawled on the floor, I checked for a pulse. I was relieved when I found it; I helped her onto the bed. She had blood pouring out the side of her head and she had deep claw marks on her arms and stomach. Tears started trickling down my cheeks, why would anyone do this?

Especially to Hayley she's too loveable. I realised I left my phone downstairs so I ran to the phone what was near the window, it was broken. I looked out the window to see if the wolves were hanging around outside but there was no sign of anyone. 

"I'll be right back Hayley I'm just getting the phone from next door" I whispered just hoping the other wolves were gone.

I quietly sneaked over towards the door and opened the door slightly and poked my head out to check the halls if any of the wolves were still around. Nope halls clear, I slowly walked out into the hall and into the room opposite. It was a spare room but it still had a working phone. I quickly walked over to the phone and started putting Diego's number into the phone but before I could the door flew open and two male wolves came in snarling at me. 

I panicked but quickly changed into my wolf hoping for the best. We started snapping our teeth at each other but the wolves were very strong so I didn't stand a chance of winning. I was soon held down on the floor and was bitten in the neck by a black furred wolf and I soon fell into blackness. I feel so numb, am I dead...?

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