Chapter 9

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Everything felt so...numb, I tried moving but I was frozen to the spot. I then tried screaming for help but no sound came out. What on earth is happening? I then heard something or someone. I concentrated on the sound and realised it was someone talking.

"She's been out for a whole month now are you sure there's isn't anything we can do?" I heard Oliver's frantic voice.

"I am sorry sir but the only thing you can do is wait" I heard a man's voice say.

"Ok" I heard Oliver's sad voice.

I tried shouting out again that I can't move but I can hear them, but yet again no sound came out. I felt movement on the right side of me then I felt warmth come to my right hand.

"Oh Mimi what has happened?" Oliver questioned. I then realised he must be holding my hand I thought to myself.

"What happened?" I questioned but knew he didn't hear.

"I don't know what to do babe but all I care about at the moment is that you wake up soon and be back to yourself" he said sadly.

"I just want to be back in your arms" I thought. He kissed me on the forehead and then it all fell silent.

~2 days later~

I've been trying and trying to move or speak or anything but I couldn't. It's driving me crazy! I just want to get back in Oliver's arms and find out what's wrong. Mum and the pack have visited a couple of times, but Oliver stayed permanently by my side.

It was quiet until I heard a soft sad voice "Please just wake up Mimi I need you", it was Oliver.

I felt so heartbroken at how sad he sounded. I tried harder for his sake to move or something. I put all my will into just moving my hand to start off with. I heard a gasp from nearby, I must of moved my hand, yay.

"Mimi can you hear me? Move your hand again if you can" he asks happily.

I put all my strength into moving my hand again. I heard a happy sigh then him rush out the room. A little while later I heard two people come back into the room, by this time I had managed to open my eyes, but the light was too bright for me to keep them fully open.

"Hello Mimi can you hear me, I'm Doctor Smith and I'm here to help you" I heard a woman's voice say.

I tried talking to the doctor, "Mmmmm" was all I was able to say.

"She's awake but not fully we need to give her time to recover and rest" the doctor says.

"Ok doctor, rest Mimi you need it" Oliver said. I relaxed and soon fell asleep.

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