Chapter 5

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It didn't take long till we got to the Italian. We all got out the car and waited for the others to get out theirs. I then realised we will need a bigger car when the triplets come. Oh, I need to tell the kids as well, I'll tell them after the meal I thought. We all headed to the restaurant and waited to be seated.

"How many?" a waiter asked. I counted everyone,

"Sixteen" I said.

He nods and takes us over to the back where there was a massive table. We all sat down at the table; Ella and Sasha sat next to each other, Freddie, Logan, Cole and Jay sat near each other. Isaac and Alex sat next to each other and Casey and Asher sat next to each other.

We ordered our food and chatted to each other. I found out that Ella has found her mate, called Drake. Ella gave me a very detailed description of Drake. Drake has short dark brown hair what is straight with some curls, he also has gorgeous grey eyes that you can't stop looking at. I could tell how in love Ella was with Drake. Megan told me some names she would like to call her baby as well. We ate our meal and said our goodbyes whilst Megan, Rory, Ella and Alex go back to theirs whilst the rest of us go back home.

When we got back, me and Oliver sat the kids down to tell them. They sat down on the sofa's whilst me and Oliver stood in front of them.

"Okay kids we have some news" I start off, taking a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant" I say. I looked round at them all and they had a mixture of happiness, sadness and them being unsure. Sasha and Freddie both stormed off upstairs, I'll go talk to them in a minute.

"Does that mean I won't be the youngest?" Casey asks.

"Yeah it does" I say and he cheers.

"I will be having triplets" I say.

They walk up to me and hug me and I heard a few 'Congrats mum'. I leave Oliver to sort out the kids whilst I go talk to Freddie and Sasha. I decided to go to Sasha's room first, I knock on the door and wait for a reply. Sasha comes and opens the door,

"What?" she says annoyed.

"Don't you dare get all attitude on me, I came to talk to you" I say. She walks off and sits on her bed and I close the door behind me.

"Why aren't you happy that I'm having another baby?" I ask.

"Because knowing my luck you're going to have a boy again and I'm going to be the only girl" she says annoyed.

"I don't know what I'm having but no matter what they will love you loads and on the good side it means you don't have to share your room. I'm having triplets so you have a slight more chance of having a sister" I say. She thinks about it then smiles,

"Okay mum" she says. I hug her then walk out the room. I head to Freddie's room and knock on his door.

"What?" I heard him grumble.

"It's me" I say.

"Come in" he says. I walk in and close the door behind me. He was sat on his sofa playing on his Xbox.

"Why did you storm off earlier?" I asked him.

"Doesn't matter" he grumbles.

"It does" I say "Just tell me what's wrong".

"Their lucky, they have their mum and dad to love them and brothers and a sister but I don't have any of that!" he shouts.

"Oh Freddie, I know you feel horrible that you don't have your mum and dad but me and Oliver will always be here for you and love you as much as I love my own, I know we can't replace your mum and dad. Just know that you are part of this family and we all love you" I say.

"Thanks Auntie Mimi" he says and pats me on the back.

"I'm always here if you want to talk" I say and walk out the room. I feel so bad for him, but no matter what I'll see him as my own.

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