Chapter 13

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We've been in Los Angeles now for nearly a whole week. We haven't done much except have a few parties, go shopping and playing on the Xbox. So today we're going to the beach then having a massive party before the others go back home. Some of our mates are staying at the house with us instead of having to keep travelling back and forth for the parties.

We grabbed some beach towels and headed to the beach. We laid the towels down and ran towards the sea. Georgina was slowly creeping into the water, scared that it might be cold so I decided to splash her what made her scream. Cassie got on my shoulders whilst Amanda got on Logan's, the girls started wrestling and so did me and Logan. It wasn't long till Logan and Amanda fell into the sea. Cassie dragged me back to the towels and we laid down next to each other.

"Babe why do you hang round with those loser girls?" she whines.

"Because they're my mates" I replied.

"Well I don't like it!" she screeched at me.

"Well tough luck there mine and the others mates so they're staying!" I said annoyed.

"Fine, I'm going" she shouts then runs off.

I don't bother going after her because she always does this. I go back to the water and mess around with the others. The girls head back after a couple of hours to get ready for the party. Whilst me and the boys go round the beach telling people about the party tonight. After about an hour we go back the house and get ready ourselves. We sort out the house and do what we did last time and put the valuable stuff in the office. We then grabbed the beers, vodka and other drinks and popped them in the fridge. Now it's just time to wait for people to come.

It's was now about one in the morning and the party was in full swing. I hanged round with Logan and Freddie drinking beers. I think Cassie's gone back home because her cars gone. I look around the living room and see lots of people I don't know. I head to the group of people and start dancing with random chicks. It started getting really heated in the room so I headed outside. The garden was also full of people so I headed to the beach. When I got there, I saw that hardly anyone was out here, which I was happy about.

I sat down and looked out at the sea. I then noticed the most beautiful girl ever, she had light brown hair with slight curls in it. Then I noticed her eyes, they were memorising and I couldn't look away. They were a soft blue what sparkled from the reflection off the sea. I watched as she walked slowly at the edge of the water. I wanted to go over to her and hear the angel's voice. But I didn't want to disturb her, she seemed to be way into her thoughts. I carried on watching her gracefully walk along the sand. I then noticed that she was listening to music off her phone. I then noticed my wolf was trying to talk to me.

"Mate" it said.

"Wait she's my mate?" I asked.

"Yeah, haven't you noticed the pull between you and her?" he asked.

"Well yeah but I just thought it was because...well I don't know why" I replied confused.

"Go over to her and make her yours!" he shouted at me.

"I-I can't" I said.

I gave up listening to my wolf and just watched as she walked away, hoping that I'd see her again....

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