Chapter 8

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Oliver's Pov

I woke up from the most amazing dream of me and Mimi walking hand in hand down the beach whilst the sun set. I suddenly had the urge to get out of bed and started walking round this massive house. I caught Mimi's scent and could feel my wolf taking over.

'We need to see her' he says to me.

'No we can't, it's late and you know we can't be together! Remember what Tom said to us!' I said trying to control my wolf.

My wolf ignored me and carried on wondering towards Mimi. I went up another set of stairs, there were three floors not including the bottom floor. I walked up to the door which I knew was hers as her scent was the strongest here and knocked on the door.

I heard the door be unlocked and I quickly looked down at the floor embarrassed now cause I just realised what I'm doing. I slowly looked up to the most gorgeous girl in the mate. She was wearing grey trackies and a black vest top she was slightly flustered. I must of interrupted her, stupid me.

"Oh sorry I-I got lost I-I was e-exploring, a-and I j-just chose a random room to knock on" I lied.

"If you want me to I will show you round tomorrow, yeah?" she asked.

I nodded then turned around to go away.

"Erm actually could you show me the way back?" I said hoping to spend a bit more time with her.

"Erm..yeah okay" she said quickly walking past me.

"Thanks" I say when we get back to my room.

Hanging about, I wanted to ask her in so badly but I didn't want to push specially seeing as I get to spend time with her tomorrow.

"See you tomorrow" she says and quickly rushes off.

I walk back into my room, closing the door behind me. I fell onto my bed, annoyed with myself and my wolf. Why did I have to agree with her showing me around tomorrow why didn't I just go 'no it's ok I will find my way round' but no I followed my wolf instinct and agreed to it, ahh now she probably thinks I'm a right creep and I don't think I will be able to stand seeing her tomorrow.

Not being able to get it off my mind I decided to go outside to get some fresh air to clear my head. I walked downstairs and into the back garden. I laid down on the floor and looked up at the stars, it was nearly midnight now. I made up my mind but just before I was going to go for a run a soft voice spoke.

"Don't worry she just needs time to see that your soul mates" 

I turned to look at where the voice came from and saw it was......

Mimi's Pov

When I opened the door I saw Oliver stood there looking down at his feet. When he looked up at me, his eyes brightened up, it looked...cute, oh no I just called my soon to be brother cute. But the weird thing is I have seen Diego's eyes do the exact same thing when he sees Ann and the same when Jamie see's Tia. Wait..... No it can't be....Oliver interrupted me from my thoughts

"Oh sorry I-I got lost I-I was e-exploring, a-and I j-just chose a random room to knock on " he said nervously.

"If you want me to I will show you round tomorrow, yeah?" I asked. He nodded then turned round to go away.

"Erm actually could you show me the way back?" He said shyly.

"Erm..yeah okay" I said quickly walking past him.

"Thanks" He said when we got back to his room.

Hanging about, it started to get awkward and I wanted to go back to my room.

"See you tomorrow" I say and quickly rush off.

I get back to my room and put my music back on. I sat down on the bed and I just screamed the anger out. I can't believe it, he's mated on me and now I am stuck with him all tomorrow. I know I asked him if he wanted to but I was trying to be nice and he looked so.... Cute and vulnerable. I'm just hoping and pleading that I guessed wrong and he hasn't mated on me, if he has I just don't know what will happen and I soon dozed off thinking about Oliver...

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