Chapter 18

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I woke up to the sound of a baby crying I quickly got up and walked over to Freddie. I picked him up and cradled him but he was still crying, I checked the clock and saw it was only six in the morning. I headed downstairs with him in my arms and went to the fridge. I took out a bottle and sorted it out. I then started feeding Freddie, he drank it greedily. It wasn't long till he finished the bottle, I quickly burped him and walked back to my room. I put him back in the cot and quickly got changed. I came back out and picked up his nappy bag and the outfit I brought yesterday. I changed Freddie's diaper and changed him into his new outfit, aww he's adorable. I went back downstairs to the living room and laid Freddie down on his play mat. It wasn't long till mum came into the living room.

"Hey sweetie why you up so early?" she asked.

"Me and Oliver babysat Freddie last night" I say.

"Ok sweetie why don't you go back up and get some sleep whilst I look after Freddie" she says picking up Freddie.

"Thanks mum" I say giving her a little hug and walking upstairs. I got back into bed and soon fell back asleep.


I woke up for the second time today feeling a lot more awake than earlier. I looked around and saw that Oliver was already awake and downstairs. I checked the clock and saw it was nearly lunch, I got out of bed and sorted my hair and makeup out. I walked downstairs and saw mum, Oliver and Freddie in the kitchen, sorting out lunch. I smiled and walked over to Freddie and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey sweetie" mum says smiling.

"Hey babe" Oliver says.

"Hi mum and hey babe" I say smiling back.

"Sweetie do you mind waking Ann up she's still asleep" mum asks me.

"Shouldn't we leave her to sleep?" I ask.

"Trust me, she'll thank us tomorrow when she has to wake up really early with this little one" Mum says wiggling Freddie's toes.

"Ok" I say running upstairs.

I knock on Ann's door and hear no answer, I walk into the room and see Ann rolled on her side fast asleep. I then noticed something was very wrong, she wasn't breathing and I froze on my spot knowing if I could see myself right now I would be going pale white. I quickly rushed over to her and checked her pulse, she was out cold...

"CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" I shouted. I heard people running towards me and froze when they saw Ann.

"Ring a freakin ambulance now" I shouted at them.

Oliver came over to be whilst Jamie rang the ambulance. I just watched as everyone rushed around but all I could do was sit next to Ann, frozen to the spot. The ambulance arrived and when they carried her away I saw a knife firmly placed near her heart. I then saw a white note fall onto her bed when she was lifted up, I quickly picked it up and put it into my pocket and went with Ann to the hospital and the others went by car. I sat in the waiting room whilst doctors and nurses did tests on Ann, I would of stayed with her but I wasn't allowed. I took out the note in my pocket and read it, it said....

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