Chapter 8

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Cole's Pov

I hear people moving and chatting outside, what makes me groan, why do they have to talk so loud this early! I checked my phone and saw it was twelve o'clock, okay it's not as early as I thought. I change into some shorts and shirt then walked out the tent. Mum and grandma were sorting out plates whilst dad and uncle Louis were cooking on the barbecue.

"Hey I'm off for a jog" I say to everyone.

"Okay be back soon" says mum.

I nod my head and jog towards the forest. When I was far enough from the camp I changed into my wolf. I run feeling free again, I love being a wolf and running like this, it lets you relax and not worry about anything. I run for a while till I catch the scent of another wolf...a she-wolf. I slowly creep towards the scent. I hid in some bushes and see a black fur with a blue streak on her left side. How has she got a streak? Dad told me that only our pack can have a streak.

"Who are you" I say into her head.

"W-who is this?" she asks scared.

"None of your business, who are you and why are you in this area?!" I ask firmly.

"I-I'm S-Mary" she says nervously, I have a slight feeling she's lying.

"Okay Mary, do you know who I am?" I ask.

"A wolf?" she replies. I don't think she knows anything about werewolves, time to take advantage.

"We are werewolves and I am in charge of all werewolves, so you must follow my commands" I say sternly trying to hold back a laugh.

"Okay?" She says unsure.

"Now, bow down to me" I say with my best alpha voice.

She follows my command straight away, wow it's actually working.

"Okay, now I demand you to change into human form and run around in circles shouting I'm a loner" I commanded.

"B-" she started to argue.

"How dare you even try and argue" I shouted.

"O-ok, no looking!" she replies.

"I won't" I say.

The black furred wolf transfers back to her human form, I look away letting her put clothes on and then I see that it was...Sasha! I didn't know she transformed! I quickly transform back to my human form putting clothes on.

I watched as she ran around in circles saying she was loner. I recorded her but couldn't hold in the laughter any longer, I fell to the ground laughing my head off. I heard Sasha stop running around and come towards me.

"Cole?" she asked.

"Y-yes" I say still laughing.

"That was you wasn't it?" she asked.

"Yeah, I can't believe you fell for it" I say between laughs.

"Your so mean Cole!" she whines and hits me.

"Had to be done little sis" I reply.

"Wait so how do you know about werewolves?" she asks me.

"I think you need to speak with mum " I say. She nods slightly as a reply.

"When did you first become one?" I asked her.

"Today" she replies quietly.

"Oh, well let's get back to the camp?" I ask.

"Okay" she smiled slightly.

We both walked back to the camp to tell mum about Sasha finally transforming.

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