Chapter 12

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Mimi's Pov

After going to Oliver's room I went downstairs. Mum, Tia, Jamie, Diego and Ann was in the living room so I went to the study because I wasn't in the mood for talking to them. I sat down on one of the sofa's when some else came in, it was Tom. I looked up at him and he had a big grin on his face, it kind of scared me. I haven't really spoke to him since we met, he was always with mum being all loved up.

"Hi Tom, what are you doing in here? Mum's in the living room" I asked him confused.

"Just wanted to see you" he said smiling.

I had a scary feeling when he said it but I let it pass. He came and sat next to me on the sofa, I watched him as he looked at me up and down and lingered at my chest. My heart started beating faster, something wasn't right!

"So darling, what you doing in here all alone" he said looking in my eyes for the first time he came into the room. 

"Waiting for Oliver, to show him around" I quickly said.

He seemed angry about me saying that, but it might just be my mind messing with me. 

"Oh, he....told me to tell you he doesn't want you to anymore" he said, but I didn't quite believe him.

"Oh ok then I'll just go then" I said awkwardly.

I started to stand up to go but he quickly grabbed my hand and injected something into my leg. I suddenly felt funny and when he pulled me back down on the sofa I couldn't stop him. All my powers were gone, oh no he must of injected me with something with silver in it! I could tell it wasn't enough to kill me but enough to weaken me, I couldn't turn into my wolf. He stood over me with one of those evil looks, I was so scared.

"You deserve this! You worthless girl! Thinking your all high and mighty being the Alpha's daughter but guess what, your nothing!" He shouted at me.

Then he started to punch my stomach and grab my thigh, I could feel his nails breaking through my skin. I tried with all my might to get away but somehow I landed wrong and I was now laid down on the floor. Tom started smirking and shaking his head.

"Don't even bother trying to escape" he said continuing to punch and grab me.

"Tom get off me!" I shouted. He quickly grabbed out a gag and put it over my mouth so I couldn't talk or even scream for help.

"You need to learn a lesson" he said.

In continued for a while longer but I soon passed out from the pain. It just hurt so much, his words kept spinning round in my head. Oliver must of told him that were mates, is this all because he doesn't approve of it. I've not even accepted him! I started to slowly come round feeling a little stronger but not enough.

"Wake up you stupid girl" Tom was shouting, shaking me awake.

I slowly started waking up more and felt all the aches and pains but knew it would all be healed up by now.

"Now now, you know not to be going round telling people about this. We don't want to upset your mum with your lies" He said sternly.

I nodded my response, he was right mum would never believe me. What would she even say if I told her about Oliver.

"Good girl" he said smiling then undid the knot for the gag around my mouth. I rubbed my mouth and my cheeks because it was on too tight. He started heading towards the door,

"Bye darling might have to come see you again if you don't behave" he smirked then walked out.

I stared into space for a while and when I felt strong enough I just ran to my room where I broke down in tears, just hating what he did to me and hating myself. I walked into the shower still fully clothed and just sat in the corner whilst water was pouring all over me..... Pouring away the pain he gave me. I need to tell Oliver that I know the truth but that I reject him. I can't let him carrying on thinking something could happen between us. I got out of the shower and got changed into some different clothes, I put baggy clothes on because I still ached, but I knew this pain just would not go away no matter how many times I tried washing it away....

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