Chapter 5

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Oliver's Pov

I followed Mimi into the kitchen so I could tell her what my wolf said. I watched her as she started sorting the drinks out. I really didn't know how I could tell her, I started walking away but then my wolf took over. I spun Mimi around and was close to kissing her...

Then she abruptly said "Thanks a lot idiot you just made me spill lemonade all down me!" She looked angry so instead of letting my wolf do what he wanted to do I took over.

"Sorry I...I was just... " I said shyly.

"Was just going to what?" She said annoyed and started to clean up the mess.

"Doesn't matter, I-I'm really sorry, here let me clean up" I said sadly and started to help.

"No its ok you've caused enough trouble just make yourself useful and make the drinks and take them through!" She ordered me.

I started to make the drinks quietly whilst she headed out of the room, I'm guessing she went to get changed. I am so stupid why did I do that! I don't even know why I accepted her as my mate because why on earth would she want to be with me? Also she's my soon to be my step sister for fudge sake! I finished making the drinks and took them into the living room where everyone was sat talking. I handed out the drinks and sat on the two seater because it was the only place empty and was away from the others. A while later Mimi came into the room and she sat on the floor near the girl with the violet-blue eyes.

"Okay kids like you know me and Tom are getting married. I know you're not that happy about it but I thought I could never love again since Christian, your father, but now I have Tom who makes me really happy. I know he will never replace your father but please be happy for me and accept this marriage" Hayley said pleading with her eyes to Mimi and Diego.

A few minutes passed in awkward silence. Tom never asked me if I accepted the marriage because I wasn't his son I was more like a mate to him because we were at the same orphanage and when he was old enough he adopted me. I guess he felt sorry for me or maybe there was another hidden reason behind it. I watched everyone in the room and saw Diego stand up and walk over to Hayley and Tom,

"I accept it but if you hurt my mum you won't live to see another day" he warned with a growl.

Hayley screamed like a little girl and hugged Diego. I liked Hayley, she was like the mother I never had, she was really hyper and sweet and always looked after me. I felt sorry for her but I couldn't say anything, she wouldn't believe me anyways.

"I accept as well but don't expect me to start calling you dad also I get to choose my dress!" I heard Mimi say.

Everyone looked at her and she smiled. Hayley walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "Mum....Can't......Breathe...." Mimi spluttered out.

"Oh sorry honey just sooo happy" Hayley said excitedly.

So now it's really happening Tom and Hayley are getting married and my wolf wants me to stop it but I just can't, Hayley seems so happy. I'll talk to Tom about it and see what he says.

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