Chapter 5

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~1 week later~

Me and Oliver was hanging around in my room talking about the pack and about how big Ann has gotten because of the baby.

"Would you ever want children babe?" Oliver asked me.

"Yeah but in the future I want to finish school first" I say smiling at my gorgeous boyfriend.

"Yeah" he says.

He then leans forward and kisses me softly on the lips, he soon got more rough and we were now having a full blown make out session. He lowered me down on the bed and I started pulling at his shirt. It soon came off and I started at his muscles, OMG is all I can say. I was now staring at his amazing six pack.

"Like what you see?" Oliver said smugly raising an eye brow.

"Yeah... I mean whatever Oliver" I say sticking my tongue out at him.

"If I was you I wouldn't keep that tongue out" he said smirking. I quickly put my tongue away.

"Mimi could you come help me" my mum shouted from downstairs.

Oliver got off me and pulled his shirt back on. I quickly got off the bed and sorted my hair and walked downstairs with Oliver not far behind.

"Hey mum what you want help with?" I ask walking into the kitchen.

"Well the whole pack is coming round tonight and I need help cooking" she says smiling, mum loves it when we cook together and so do I.

"Of course mum should I ask Megan, Tia and Ann to come give us some help?" I ask.

"Yeah sure hun" she says sweetly then starts getting some food together.

"Babe can you go upstairs and get Tia and Ann whilst I ring Megan" I ask.

"Ok babe" he says smiling.

"Thanks babe" I kiss him lightly on the lips but we soon got into the kiss and my hand was entwined in his hair and his around my waist.

"Come on break it up lovebirds" my mum says laughing. We pulled back and I blushed and headed towards my room to get my phone.

"Hey Meg, just wondered if you was busy?" I ask when she finally answered her phone.

"Hey...shh Rory I'm trying to talk Mimi. Hey, sorry erm not really why?" She asks obviously distracted by Rory.

"Mum wondered if you wouldn't mind helping prepare tonight's meal, with me, Oliver, Ann and Tia?" I ask.

"Yeah sure, I'll be round in five minutes" She says but gets interrupted.

"Make it ten" Rory shouts in the background.

"Sorry Mimi, I won't be long!" She says and ends the call.

I laugh and roll my eyes thinking about Megan and Rory, since being together they are never seen without one another. I head back downstairs and when I got back to the kitchen I saw Tia, Oliver and Ann already starting to prepare the meal. Not much later Rory and Megan joined us.

It took us three hours for us to prepare the meal for the whole pack. We had an hour left to get ready before the rest of the pack came over. Oliver went to his room and so did me, Ann and Rory whilst Megan and Tia went back home quickly. I had a nice long hot shower and when I got out I pulled my hair up into a bun and got changed. I decided on a pair of black jeans and a nice floral top which showed a little bit of cleavage, it was sexy but also appropriate and I also wore my black ballet flats. I then put some mascara and eyeliner on not wanting to overdo it. I then heard a light knock on my door. I go open the door and saw Maisy standing timidly at the door.

"Hiya Maisy why you up here sweetpea?" I asked walking towards her.

"Auntie Hayley told me to come get you" she said smiling sweetly.

"Ok Honey let's go then" I say holding her hand.

"You look pretty" she says looking at my outfit.

"Thanks Maisy so do you" I smiled at her.

We walked downstairs and into the dining room. I looked and saw the room with such a happy vibe to it. Everyone was chatting and laughing at jokes. I smiled and walked over to my seat next to Oliver. The table was quite big, mum was sat at one of the end seats. I sat next to her and Tia was sat opposite me.

Over dinner I found out that Auntie Hermione and Uncle Cody are going to leave what the gender of baby is till he or she was born. I also found out that Steve and Darren have met their mates, they met them when the boys went on a camping trip a couple weeks ago. They was called Daisy and Miley. After the meal all of the adults and Maisy had gone home whilst everyone else helped clean up then we decided to watch a film in the game room and get to know Miley and Daisy.

Me, Ann, Tia, Jamie, Steve, Darren, Miley, Daisy, Oliver, Rory and Megan were all sat in the game room watching The Hangover. Ann didn't stay to watch all the film as she went up to bed because she was tired. I wasn't going to stay up too late because me, Megan and Ann have school in the morning but luckily we only have a month left.

I was cuddled up to Oliver and I soon drifted off to sleep, dreaming of mine and Oliver's future....

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