Chapter 18

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Hayley's Pov

Since Oliver has been in the doctor's room Mimi has been acting different. She's been quieter and more attached to Oliver but I don't know if it's because he's in a coma or something else. Tom and I were in the alpha office, we didn't really have an official alpha at the moment because of Christian's death. It will either be Diego or Tom if Diego isn't ready to step up to be the next alpha. Tom and I were sat talking about our wedding, we decided that Oliver and Diego will be Tom's best men. Mimi will be maid of honour and Anastasia and my sister Hermione are going to be bridesmaids, we still have a lot to organise though.

"I wonder if Mimi is ok" I asked Tom.

"Why, she seems fine" he said sounding nervous. He must really care about her.

"She just seems different, maybe she misses Christian. Maybe you could go talk to her" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah okay" he said seeming slightly happy.

He got up and gave me a kiss on the lips then walked out the room walking towards the doctor's room where Mimi will most likely be. I sat down on the sofa and looked through the wedding brochures. Ann, Mimi, Hermione and I are going dress shopping next week. I carried on looking through the brochures till I heard the doorbell. I got up and walked towards the door, I got there before anybody else.

When I opened the door I saw my sister Hermione, her husband Cody and their son Rory. I smiled and started greeting them, the whole pack lives nearby but everyone stays to themselves so we don't see each other often. Me and Hermione have always been close but she wasn't too happy when I told her about my travel plans but I soon won her over. We all walked into the living room, Diego and Jamie were there already. When they looked up they both smiled and Diego stood up.

"Auntie Hermione and Uncle Cody haven't seen you in a while" Diego said smiling whilst hugging Hermione and shaking Cody's hand.

Jamie and Diego went over to Rory and high-fived each other and whatever else young people do now. Me, Hermione and Cody sat down on the sofa whilst the boys went off to the game room. We were having a catch up as I haven't seen them properly since the meal the other night. They told me the news that they are going to try for another baby. We started talking about the wedding when we heard a loud growl. We ran towards the noise, it came from the doctor's room. I was the first to get to the room, when I opened the door I saw Oliver struggling to get all the wires that were attached to him off. I ran over to him and tried stopping him.

"Don't worry Oliver, there helping you" I said calmly.

"Mimi....kidnapped.......Tom" Oliver mumbled.

"What" I asked confused. Oliver took a deep breathe, 

"Mimi was kidnapped by Tom" he said slowly.

"You must have dreamt it" I said shaking my head, feeling bad for him.

"No I saw him" he said more confident.

"But Tom went to talk to...Mimi and-" I was interrupted by Oliver.

"She was in here with me then Tom grabbed her and jumped out the window" he said pointing towards the opened window.

When I saw it was opened my eyes widened, I hope it isn't true. Why on earth would Tom kidnap Mimi?! Why has my fiancée taken my only daughter...

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