Rush hour

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"Luna! Hurry up!" I huffed. Dean always rushed me. I can handle a demon! I dont need to be baby sat. "Coming Dean!!" * I shot the Demon and ran toward the impala, my blue hair flying every which way in the wind. Dean leaned against the jet black Impala, which was purring like a feline on catnip. "Took you long enough." I rolled my eyes and threw open the trunk. I put the rifle in its respective place and shut the trunk. Then sat in the back of the Impala. "You take forever." Dean said snarkily. "Don't be so hard on the kid, Dean." Sam said. "I am Twenty Six! Not a kid!" I snapped. "You're a kid. Trust me." Dean put the car into gear, and we got onto the highway. "Tell me why we're trusting this ghoul?" I crossed my arms. "Thats a derogatory term. I am a hybrid, if you'd like to be blunt about it. An Angel, and a Siren." Dean scoffs. "You're one of those freaky things that pose as strippers?" I glared at him through the rear view mirror. "Those, are the lowest members of our society. They aren't real sirens. They come from a generation that has been so lust ful, and breeded so much that their true appearence is ragged and disgusting. You have never seen a real siren." Dean fell silent. " Maybe you shouldn't insult her Dean... " Dean looked at me through the mirror. "So you're the real deal?" I nodded. You dont see a monster in the mirror do you?" He shook his head, and turned on the radio. Then our five hour ride began.

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