A Little Ray of Sunshine

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( a year and a half after Luna and Eden met.)

Luna's POV~

I was doing research for a case alone when Eden came up behind me.
"Babe. I have something to tell you." she said.
I smiled, thinking she had something o a case.
"Im all ears."
I said.
She looked away. Her cheeks where red, and she looked nervous.
She couldnt spit it out.
"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.
"Uh, yeah! Why wouldnt I be?!"
"Then what is it?"
I turned around to face her, and she sat on my lap and handed me a small box.
I opened it, only to find... Oh.
She didnt look at me.
"You're pregnant!?"
She nodded, still not looking at me. I put the box down, and hugged her around the waist, smiling.
"I don't know what to say...." I said.
"I'm sorry.."
She apologized.
"No, no! Dont be sorry! I wanted this. Im excited! We're gonna be parents, Babe!"
She looked at me, tears in her eyes.
She grabbed my head, and kissed me.
"Okay.. I was worried."
She said, once she pulled away.
"Angel," I smiled at her gently, and locked onto her gaze.
"I would never encourage you to get rid of any baby of ours..".
I set the book that I had been flipping through down, and put a gentle hand on her cheek. She smiled at me.
I sent her to rest a few minutes after that, watching her go and wondering how to tell the boys.

(Present day)

Luna's POV~

As soon as we landed, a messenger was let into the room.
A small boy, with red hair and amber eyes.
He fell into a bow, and my gaurds watched him.
Eden let go of me and went over to the boy to see if he was alright.
"That was quite a fall, dearie."
She said, helping him up.
He had obviously run a long way, he was panting.
"Speak." I ordered.
"An attack... Ive come from a border camp... Its Indigo. She's attacked five of our camps this week. She came herself this time."
I looked at Eden, who looked worried.
"How big is her army?" I asked.
"A few thousand at least."
He answered.
I stood there a moment, then realized that time was of the essence.
"Get the serpent, and our battalions. We're going to give them everything they got, and if they refuse to leave, It will be war."
The boy bowed and ran off.
"Luna.. "
Eden looked at me.
"It has to be done"
She sighed.
"Be safe.. Please darling."
She pleaded. I stepped forward,and wrapped my arms around her.. She buried her face in my neck.
"I love you."
I said, and kissed her head.
"I love you too. Be safe, or I'll skin you."
She grabbed me and put her mouth to mine. Then once she pulled away, she hugged me tightly.
"Go. Good luck Moon."
She blew me a kiss and I walked away.
I headed to the weapons room to get my armour. I took my sword
, angel blade, and hunting knife.
I then went to Sam's room.
He was packing his clothes, into a backpack, and getting ready to leave.
"Yeah," he turned around.
"Whoa. You're wearing armor?"
I nodded.
"Border... Issue."
I said.
He understood.
"I'll go with you." he said quickly.
"No, I can't let you get hurt. Dean would kill me." I said.
Hazel came out of the closet, holding clothes on hangers.
I glanced at her, then looked back to Sam. Sam took my hand gently, and squeezed.
"Please.." he begged.
I shook my head.
"I dont want to risk it," I looked at hazel again.
"Protect my girls, Sam Winchester." I kissed his cheek and ran out of the room, toward the stables.
I didn't realize that my life would change after that.

I ran to the stables and got Cerberus. I didnt have a saddle for him, but He was easy to ride.
Then I headed to the battle field.
My soldiers waited for me, in phalanx formation.
I was ready.

Merman soldier (Irideus)POV~

Their queen landed into he center of the battlefield on a copper dragon. She was wearing white skirts made of thin, flowing fabric. Her armor only covered her torso, and was made of silver. Titanium was inlaid into the place where the armor met the skirt. Her brunet hair was tied back into a tight bun, tied back with a black ribbon.
An angel in disguise.
Could I kill her men?
Maybe my queen wouldnt notice if I moved around.

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