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The next morning I woke to commotion in the kitchen.
Sam and Dean where talking to Eden about something. I rolled out of bed, not being able to sleep anymore. I quickly walked over and checked on my daughter.
Pheobe was sound asleep.
I picked her up and she nestled into the crook of my arm.
I took her out into the kitchen where Dean and Eden where arguing about something.
"Are you two done?"
I asked with a yawn.
Sam, who was in the corner of the room, staring into a cup of coffee.
"I strode over to the fridge and opened the freezer, pulling the Jack out of the icebox. I got a mug from the cuboard, and got coffee from the coffee maker, then placing the mug on the counter and putting a decent amount of whiskey in my cup. I turned around and did the same to Sam's, making sure to take a swig out of the bottle before I closed it, and put it back in the freezer.
I took a sip of my coffee as Sam watched me with the makings of a smile on his lips.
He said, smiling and now showing teeth.
Eden was still arguing with Dean.
"No, we need you two here!"
The angel hissed.
"We can't stay. We never stay. People are dying!" Dean retorted.
"We still need you!"
Eden insisted.
"You just want Sam," he paused, leaning against the counter and stopping to glance into his cup of coffee.," he matters more, right? I mean, at least Storm survived the first 8 months of his existence."
Eden was silent.
I went rigid. I felt Deans gaze on me as he spoke.
Finally, after I was sure he  had said what he said, I walked over, gave the baby to Eden, and stormed over to Dean, smacking him right upside the head.
Sam silently glared at his brother, as Dean blurted out two words.
"We're leaving."
Sam looked at me.
I gave him a gentle glance and bade him to shut up.
"When." I mumbled.
"An hour." Sam answered.
I walked over and wrapped my arms around his torso, digging my fingers in to hold on.
Dean scoffed and left the room. Eden ran behind him, trying to reason with him.
Sam amd I stayed in the kitchen, his arms now also wrapped around me. "Sammy.."
I looked up at him.
He shushed me and pressed my head into his chest.
"I know." He sighed.
"I'll visit." he promised.
I looked up, my eyes filling with tears. He picked me up and set me on the kitchen countertop. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, almost instinctively.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me.

(Meanwhile, In Dean's room)

Eden's POV-

                  "You can't just leave!"
I tried to keep it quiet so that I didnt wake Pheobe. "I need to keep hunting with Sam! I owe it to him." Dean said. I huffed. "You dont owe anything to any body. "
He looked at me in a weird way.
"You don't know that, Eden. You don't know alot of things."
He chuckled to himself, dryly.
"What do you mean?"
I asked.
Hesitated for a moment, before answering.
"Nothing. It means nothing."
"Tell me!"
"Luna is having an affair with Sam!"
I paused.
"Thats not funny.." I said, shaking my head.
He just sat there, looking at me.
"I wasn't kidding."

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