A Step Ahead

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The drive was long. We tried to talk, but every one was too tired, and I had my mind on the night before. I hadnt meant to leave Sam in the rain. But I was so disturbed. I took a CD from my bag, and handed it to Sam. "Can you put this in?" He nodded. "Whoa, what's the music?" I sighed. "Bonjovi, Daughtry, And a little bit of Panic! At the Disco. Its fine, Dean." "okay." I smiled, and sit back in my seat. As "House of Memories" started to play, I closed my eyes. Sam turned down the music, thinking I was sleeping. "This sucks." Dean said, glancing at the car radio. "I like it." Castiel said, appearing on the floor of the back seat. My eyes snapped open. "I'm sorry Luna. I didn't mean to startle you." "Thats... Okay." I laid back in the seat, trying to get comfortable, and failing. Eden opened one eye and sits up, looking at me. "Come lie down." I shook my head. "No. Come here. You took care of me with Skylar. Now it's my turn. Come lie down, Luna." I sighed and unclipped my seatbelt,And scooted over and leaned into my betrothed, resting my head on her chest, and hearing her breathing.
" see?" Eden stroked my hair, and watched me. She hugged me gently, careful not to squeeze. I smiled slightly, finally comfortable. I opened one wing and curled it over myself to keep warm. Sky cuddled between Eden and I, and Eden had her hand on my stomach. I giggled softly and closed my eyes. When I woke the car was parked and I could hear waves. I sat up and crawled out of the car, staring at the sea. "Darling! You're up?." Eden appeared behind me. "I have to get this over with." She shakes her head. "You dont. No, Luna. You're tired! And the baby! If anything happened to our son-" I kissed her to quiet her. "Shhhhhh stay with Sky." I peeled my jacket off, and my shirt, as embarrasing as it was. My jeans where worse. Finally, I ran into the tides,and dove under.feeling my tail and gills form. My Mother was with her sharks. She greeted me with a smile. I immediately lunged at her, and she batted me aside. I snarled, and got her in the left side of her neck, ripping her gills out of place. She screamed and slapped me in the face with a clawed hand. I held her wrists while I slit them, and The battle went on, both of us injured. She twisted from my grip, and charged. I got out of theway just in time, and grabbed her by the arm. I used her speed to throw her into the stone cliff next to us. She was impaled by a sharp rock, but she didnt stop fighting until I drove my archangel blade through her heart. I WON. And I took her crown, A beautiful chain of Opals, Sapphires, Silver, and Abalone, and put it on my head. With the remainder of my energy I swam and dragged myself the shore. The first to find me was Sam. Her wrapped me in a towel and pulled me into his arms. "Eden! Dean! Cass!" He stood and walked me over to the car. I was out in the back seat. Sam apparently put his coat on me. I felt the bloody towel sticking to my body. "Oh, this looks bad..." I heard him mumble. "Luna? Can you hear me? Open your eyes." I groaned. "No, Open them. Come on." I still hadnt changed back yet, so I still had my siren features. I opened my blue eyes, that where slitted like a cats. "You're okay.." He pulled his phone out. And Im guessing he sent his brother a text. He sat beside me, and ran his fingers through my hair, trying to soothe me, and maybe himself. With what strength I had left, I managedto crawl over and rest my head on his lap. When I got close, I realized he had tears in his eyes. I had never seen Sam cry before. "Sammy?" I reached up, and touched his cheek. He shook his head and placed his hand over mine. "Remember how we met?" I giggled. "Yeah. We went to college together...and then you left with your brother.. And I met you 5 years after, during a werewolf hunt."
"That case was frustrating."
"It was more frustrating when you almost shot me." I saw him smile . he looked happier, and his tears where almost gone. "I thought you two had gone for good after that hunt, then the car turned around and Dean told me to get in." Sam chuckled.
"I begged him to let you in the car! It was snowing!"
Our eyes met, and I can tell what he was thinking. "Our first kiss? At the next hunt? When you kissed me in the pouring rain, and then before you even let me go, you fell over and took me down with you?" he shrugged
"I'm a klutz."
I laughed, it hurt my wounds,but it was worth it.
I had to cough, but I didnt want to worry him.
"Dean and Eden should be on their way, they went for a walk to calm her nerves."
I nodded, and tried to sit up.
"Careful.." I smiled. "Fine." I laid back down. "The towel is soaked with blood already? Luna, what did you do?" I shook my head. "I dont know."
"Storm is fine. He's squirming. I didnt let her hit my abdomen." its only my arm, my tail, and My neck." he sighed a grabbed the first aid kit from under the seat, and got to work. Occasionally I yelped whenhe brushed a wound on accident,or cleaned it and it stung. He would either quiet me with a kiss, or stop to make sure I was okay. After he finished he left me to rest. I slept for a little while, but when Eden got back I woke up. Dean stayed back with Sky while Eden checked on me.
She fussed over me as usual. "Luna, I told you you didnt have to go."
I smiled like a lunatic.
"I'm queen." "what?"
"I'm their queen now, and you'll be my wife and queen." She looked at me sympathetically. "Really? All this for a crown?"
"We can go down there, Eden. I have gills, Sky does too! And you don't need to breathe!" She shakes her head. "A queen? Hm."
"Its a better life for us. We can take the boys, we have a summer palace, they can live there." Eden nods slowly. "Okay. If its better for us..." "I wont disappoint you."
"I promise."

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