Long Live the Queens

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After our meeting with Hera, Eden insisted that we rest. I wanted to go check on Sky, but she already left , so I curled up in bed while Eden took a shower.
I was dizzy and on the line between sleep and waking. Wrapped up in the covers, I felt safe and secure. "You asleep?" I felt Eden slide into the covers beside me. Her warm body heated the covers and made the bed that much more comfortable.
Her warm hands cupped my belly, and she shifted closer to me to cuddle.
I groaned, too tired to speak.
"Alright. I get it."
I felt the baby inside me move.
It lurched forward, feeling strange, and slightly painful.
I rolled my eyes. "He wont let me sleep." Edens eyes lit up. She pulled the covers down, and pulled my shirt up.
She rubbed my stomach with her thumb in wide circles.
"Hey, sweetie.... Can you let your Momma sleep?"
I held back a smile.
Eden continued.
"Just one night. She needs it."
I put a hand over my mouth and began to giggle.
"I think they get it."
She glanced at me, and then leaned forward and kissed the top of my belly.
" Sweet dreams, baby.... "
She put her head back on the pillow beside mine, and pecked me on the lips.
"Goodnight Momma."
Her hands where still around my stomach.
"You're going to be such a good father."
I mumbled.
"You're an amazing mother..."
I held back a dry laugh.
Amazing? My Storm was dead, and it was my fault.
My eyes began to tear up, and Eden under stood.
"Oh, moonbeam, Im sorry.."
She pulled me close and I sobbed into her shoulder. She ran her hands through my hair, and whispered reassurance to me softly.
"Im sorry for having a meltdown.. I just feel so upset all the time... And hungry, and angry, and all kind of other confusing emotions!"
"Its just your hormones. I'll take care of you."
"How come you wherent like this with Sky, or the twins?"
She gently wiped the tears from the corners of each eye.
"Im an angel. We dont need hormones. The only reason I have the ability to reproduce is because I used to be human. Only the body was saved. Some of its functions stopped in the process."
"What about when we-"
"No raging hormones, just love."
I sighed and wrapped an arm around her.
She pulled me closer and held me tight, yet comfortably.
"You know, I waited for centuries for you...."
She says softly, while brushing stray strands of hair out of my face.
"How did you know I was the one?"
"I was told. Around 3000 B.C.
It was by a woman in white who had told me. I knew she wasnt just a crazy human due to her skin. She was a pale colour, and her skin shimmered."
I thought nothing of it, our lives where weird already. You get used to it after awhile.

I buried my face in her shoulder and pressed closer to her.
I drifted into sleeps inky embrace as my wife held me close.

(3000 B.C., Greece, the base of Mount Olympus)

Eden's POV-
My pale hands wrapped around a vase, and dipped it into the stream. The fridgid water shocked me, but I kept my grip on the container. I had three more of these to fill and it was cold this morning.
I looked down the stream, and saw another young woman filling up water juggs a few feet down.
She was very thin and small, but very beautiful.
I realized something was up though, when she lifted those jugs effortlessly. She sauntered toward my direction and stopped in front of me.
"Hello Eden."
Id never seen her before, and her knowing my angel name was instantly alarming. I reached for my angel blade.
"I mean no harm."
She gently set her water down, and sat cross-legged beside me.
"I just carry a message. All I ask is your attention for a few short minutes."
Her hazel eyes bore into mine. Her eyes... Looked like they had gold mixed in. Not as in light brown.
Actual gold.
Her mahogany hair waved and flowed over her shoulders and down her back.
And her skin shimmered. Like water droplet of water in the sunlight.
"You may speak."
"Millions of years ahead, your other half awaits."
I raised my eye brows in confusion.
"They wait in a black Chariot."
I took a minute to let the words sink in.
"They will complete you, and you shall have an empire. The balance of your love shall determine the rise or fall of our planet."
She stood up, and I assumed she was done speaking.
"Thank you."
I mumbled.
"Be wary, child. Your love will not be who you think. The very thing you despise, you will take as a lover."
And she vanished.
The Muse had given me a purpose. But to love would be to rebel.... Would heaven forgive me?


Eden's POV-

She was right. When I first met Dean, I though he was the one, due to the black chariot bit.
It was Luna. The thing I hated most was a monster. The black chariot was the Impala,which Luna was in the back of. And she did complete me. I aborted a mission, all for her. Heaven was the only thing that mattered before I met her.
She hadnt said more than a few words to me, and that was enough for me to run.

A sudden knock on the door inturrupted my thoughts.
"Come in."
Castiel stepped in.
"They're Asking for you. I think its about the mission."
"Are they here?"
He nodded.
"In the living room."
"Ill be out in a minute."
"Eden. You dont have to do this... You know the punishment for desertion."
"Its easier this way, Cass. Please."
"I dont want to start a search, then everyone is in danger. Including you. And Luna. And my children. Now go tell them Ill be out in a minute."
His blue eyes locked onto mine, pleading with me to stop amd thonk about this. I shook my head and he turned and left.
Then I turned my attention to Luna.
I kissed the top of hee head, amd hugged her close for a minute.
Then, I carefully let go and slipped out of hee embrace. I tucked the covers around her to make sure she was warm, and the changed in our bathroom into some jeans and a t shirt. I then quietly left the room, and walked down the hall and into the living room. The light murmur of quiet conversation cease and every one looked up. Dean and Sam stood in the corner of the room, Barakiel and Castiel where standing on the far side of the room im midconversation that had stopped due to my presence.
Then stood Arakiel.
Our eyes met, and he smiled cruelly.
"Eden." he greeted me with a nod.
"What do you want?".
"We've been looling for you. You deserted your mission and hid from us."
"With good reason."
Almost as if on cue, I felt Eve latch onto my leg.
"Is everything alright, momma?"
The poor girl mustve been woken by the commotion. I picked her up.
Arakiel just stared, dumbfounded.
"Its fine, sweetie. I just have some things to handle. Sam, can you put her back to bed and then check on Luna."
He nodded and took Evie with him.
"You have a husband? And children?"
Arakiel growled.
He was a strict angel. One who despised angels who loved or had children, who hated monsters, and same gender marriage.
"A wife. And three kids. Another one on the way."
"She's a siren."
His face turned bright red.
"Eden, you have gone against orders, broken the word of our father, and hidden from your fellow angels. What do you plead?"
Dead silence.
Castiel lunged forward, but Barachiel grabbed him.
"He will only hurt her more if you defy him, Castiel."
"Do something! You're an Archangel!" Dean snapped.
"Im sorry, Dean. He has orders."
"I, Arachiel, declare you fallen and unworthy of your wings. And therefore, will take them."
Dean reached for his gun.
"Dean, No!" I yelled.
"He could hurt you. I don't want any of you hurt."
I took my shirt of and kneeled on the ground. I stood there with nothing but a sports bra and jeans on, staring at the ground.
I didnt make a single sound.
I just spread my wings. They shone gold in the light of the living room.
I heard Arakiel take out his angel blade, whoch was a long thing knife. His was flattened to make cutting easier.
He raised his blade and hacked at each wing. I clenched my teeth, but didnt cry out. Is this not what our fathers son had done? Is this not what he would want me to do?
Once he had hacked through the flesh, he snapped the bone and my wings tore from my body.
They dissapeared instead of falling on the floor. Arakiel stepped back. "Have fun being grounded, traitor."
Then he dissapeared.
I felt blood drip down my back.
Castiel and Barachiel rushed forward and caught me as I became weak. My father in law held me as Castiel and Sam wrapped my wings, now only pathetic stubs, in medical tape.
I heard Barachiel trying to speak to me.. But I couldnt remember what he said before everything went black.

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