Battle Scars

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Eden's POV~ (a few hours into the future)
I watched that same messenger boy run into our chamber two weeks later. I greeted him with water and food,allowing him to rest and eat while he gave me news of the battle and my wife.
"The fighting has been under way for weeks now. She was doing good. Some of the mermen have even betrayed their queen to fight for her. But, then..." he trailed off.
"Then what?"
I leaned forward, anxiously.
   " There was an accident.. "
"And? Speak, boy!" I snapped.
He answered quickly, in a nervous tone.
"She lost her-"

Luna's POV(present hour)~

"Arm! Godamnit my arm!"
I had my arm cleaved off from the middle of the forearm down. Doctors crowded around me. My dragon shuffled after the stretcher as they carried me down the hall.
They poked and proded at my arm, as I faded in and out of consciousness.
Once I finally went under for good, the last thing I say was my half sister Jupiter smiling at me, teary eyed.

Eden's POV(hours later)~

       "She lost her arm!?" I freaked.
"Thats it,I shouldve never let her go alone. ZEKE!" my brother in law came to the door, in a frenzy.
"I need you to watch Pheobe and the twins again."
"Fair enough."
He held out his arms and I gave him the baby and supplies.
He glanced at me before he left.
" Where are you going? Where's Diana?"
"I-.." I couldn't answer him. I didnt have the heart.
"You're worried, something must be wrong!" He accused.
"She.. Went to battle with Indigo.
A small border Skirmish."
His eyes went wide.
"Get Castiel to watch Pheobe. I'm coming with you."
"What? Why?"I asked.
"The Mermaid queen has no mercy. She doesn't care about your intentions, Eden!"
"How do you know?!" I snapped.
"She killed me herself. When my mother sent me out with the royal army.. She killed me, and I became and angel." He said, his gaze locking onto mine.
I couldnt answer. Luckily, Sam stepped in, and Had heard the whole thing.
"So.. Why do you feel the need to go?"
He asked.
"Luna lost an arm." I said.
"When I left she had just went into surgery." the servant added.
"I'm going!" Sam and Zeke said in unision.
I looked at them. They both looked genuinely worried.
"Okay...," I said.",But Dean should come too." "I'll summon my Father." Zeke added.
Sam and Zeke both agreed, and we suited up for war, and gave the kids to Castiel.

Luna's POV~

When I came to I looked over to see a bloody bandage over my elbow.
Well, there was no elbow anymore. Just a clean cut where it used to be.
"Yer and idiot kid."
I glanced to the corner of the room, where three of my half sisters sat.
(the only ones I actually liked)
Jupiter, Thalia, and Turquoise.
Turquoise was the one who had just spoken. She came from the gulf of Mexico, her Father a Texan.
So she had a bit of a Southern twang.
She had bright blue eyes like mine, blond hair, and lots of freckles.
Thalia had the same blue eyes but paler, and darker skin. She was from India. She lived there with her father.
Her hair was raven black, and beautifully glossy.
"Sister! You're awake!" Thalia remarked happily.
"No thanks to you three." I joked.
"No thanks to yurself either sis."
Turq stated.
"This is not funny. She almost died on the table." Jupiter snapped.
"Lighten up Jupiter. Its only an arm!"
I joked, and chuckled. Which soon turned to crying. Jupiter ran over and hugged me. "Cerberus!" she yelled.
He scampered in, I'm guessing he was gaurding the tent, and jumped onto my bed.
"It's alright dear." my half sister soothed. "Of all the hands it had to be the left?! Seriously! Fuck!" I sobbed.
"She says she doesn't know if yer gonna be able to swim again." Turquoise blurted.
That only made me cry harder.
"Turquoise!" Thalia scolded.
"Can we please remember her state? She is on about 5 different pain medications right now, and is not very stable." Jupiter snapped
I continued to weep.
I heard more people enter.
About five, by the looks of it.
"We brought reinforcements!"
Said the Familiar voice of my twin brother.
He burst through the curtain blocking the entrance of the tent from view, wings spread. The next to burst through the curtain was a somber looking Sam. Who wander over to my bedside, looking like he had something to say. Dean followed him, and my wife and father came in after.
"Luna! I know this sounds cliche but I came as soon as I heard."
She said, kneeling by my side as she ran her hands through my hair.
"You idiot." she scolded, and kissed my temple. My father watched me, smiling but still looking a bit nervous.
Dean and Sam where mumbling to one another, probably arguing about why they where here.  "You fucking Idiot." she continued. I felt her tear stained cheek touch my forehead, and nuzzled her.
She chuckled.
I pulled her into a long
Kiss with my only functioning arm. She responded by holding my head. And kissing back.
"We didnt come just to watch you two ya know." Dean snapped.
Sam shot him a look, and took a few steps toward the bed.
A servant then rushed into the tent.
"They need the queen in the battle tent now!" he panted. I let go of Eden and gently pushed her away. "Go ahead." she glanced outside nervously.
"Im not even a siren. I-" she stuttered.
"Go! Make me proud!" I said with a smile. My brother took her hand and pulled her outside. Sam waited for her to leave, then kneeled beside the bed.
I waved jokingly.
He smiled and swallowed hard, just like he did when be was about to cry.
"Sammy.. Dont you dare."
"Luna, Dean and I have to go and hunt again.. But I cant leave you like this."
I shook my head.
"You dont have to go.. Please.."
I begged.
"Stay safe for me. Okay?"
he asked.
Dean waited impatiently at the entrance to the tent.
Sam glanced at him then at me.
"I cant stay. We could never be together like that again.. Its better for both of us if I go.."
"Sam-" he kissed me midsentence, and pressed cold metal into my hand. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders amd held tight.
We stayed like this until he finally let go.
"I love you too." he said, tears.pooling in his eyes. He then turned and walked out with Dean.
Off they went to go hunting again.
I began to sob uncontrollably. I lost our baby boy. There was no reason for Sam to stay amymore.
I opened my hand. It was a silver ring with a moonstone in the center and two square diamonds on each side of it.
There was a folded piece of paper too.
I opened it.

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