Blessed Union

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I woke up Dean first. That was easy. Pour a half empty bottle of beer on him and watch him writhe around, and then realise what happened, then run into the bathroom to shower.
I went to wake Sammy next. He was already awake, reading a book and curled up in bed. "Hey, Eden wants you guys to come out and say goodbye to Sky."
All of a sudden a sharp pain hit me right in the gut. My body went rigid for a moment.
"What?" Sam's head snapped up. I shook my head, but he came over any way. "You okay?"  I nodded, exhaling through my teeth.
"Come on, Ill help you to the kitchen."
I glanced at him, yet he offered his arm any way. I took it, hating to idea of looking weak in front of my wive and daughter.
As I predicted, as soon As I came in Eden looked over and helped me into my seat.
When she leaned to push my chair in, I took her head in my hands and laid a kiss on her forehead. I finally felt her ease her tensed neck muscles.
"Relax.." I gently rubbed her cheek with my thumb.
"Theres so much to be done!"
She responded, her deep brown eyes filled with anxiety.
"Mom, Don't worry about it. I only care about seeing my family."
I had to take a moment to realize that Edens lips hadnt moved. Skylar had spoken.

I watched my Darling's stress slowly dissapate, as she cleaned the kitchen up.  I sat and watched her, with a sense of protectiveness.
I got up, again, and walked toward her. I wrapped my arms around her sculpted waist, and traced the muscles of her abdomen through her shirt.
She tried to scold me, but she was out of breath.
"How are you not one of gods angels?"
She smiled.
I kissed her before she could finish. Her hand came up, and cradled my jaw, as the other dropped the pan it was holding.
"Alright kid. Wanna come raid the library before you leave?"
Sam offered.
"Yeah!" Skylar exlaimed and followed him down the hall.
Once the where gone, I let Eden pull away.
Her eyes where shining, and she was smiling.
"Her van is packed?"
I asked.
"Of course! The Fifty is in the ashtray, just incase."
"Then will you take a walk with me?"
I offered her my arm.
She took it, and we wandered through the castle. Once we left the residential wing, River and Finn followed at a respectcul distance behind us.
"So, where are we going?"
Eden asked.
"Its a surprise. Now close your eyes.".
I covered them for good measure, though
she did as asked. I led her through the kitchen the cooks use when we have guests, and out the small back door. I took my hands from her eyes. "Open."
Her eyes lit up, and her hands flew to her mouth. "Oh, Luna!"
She'd brought up a garden awhile back. She'd had one as a child, it was where she would go to escape her troubles. That was a small herb garden, though.
This garden took up acres of land. Deep indigo morning glories dripped down the ancient stone sides of the Summer Palace, long green grasses covered carefally calculated areas. Cherry blossom trees where scattered. White and red Hibiscus shrubs where neatly placed along the sides of marble walkways. White flowered pea vines crept up ancient statues, daises grew in clumps. Even some plants my uncle Ezekiel had given me from the garden of Eden. In the center of it all was a wide koi pond that was about three yards wide and six feet deep, the bottom lined with a coral reef and bed of sand. It branched into rivers and smaller pools deeper that ran throughout the whole garden. Tropical fish, and aqautic creatures of all kinds darted in and out of those rivers and pools, exploring their home. "Luna! How did you do this!?"
"I have my ways."
She beamed, and pulled me into a long kiss. Once she allowed me to pull away, she sat on a nearby bench and took it all in. I sat beside her, and she took my hand. "It's beautiful.... You didn't have to do this.."
"It made you happy, so it was worth it. You where stressed about everything, so I figured Id help."
She leaned into me, and I wrapped an arm around her waist. She put one free hand on my globe of a stomach, and the other on my back.
"Thank you..."  she pulled me into a kiss.
That never got old. Every time felt just like our first kiss.
She always pulled me in gently, and kissed me passionately, hungrily when she got rowdy.
She was a loving mate.
My lips where still on Edens.
That voice wasnt hers.
"Hold on, hold on..." I Pulled away a looked up.
A beautiful woman who looked to be in her later twenties, with flawless olive skin that seemed to glow, chesnut hair that flowed down her back, deep green eyes, a white traditional Greek dress cliped with a golden infinity symbol, and a smile on her bright, rasberry lips. "Have I come at the right time?"
She asked. I looked her up and down, knowing she was familiar. Her glow, those eyes....
And then I realized who stood in front of me. I got up and tried to get into a kneeling position.
"Forgive me, Godess. I meant no offense."
Hera smiled.
"My child... Stand up."
Eden helped prop me up back on the bench, and Hera continued to speak.
"You two are my favorite pair, by fair. Your union is worthy of envy, and your love is like no other. You two are a special pair."
"Special?," Eden Interjected "how?"
"You two will see eventually. Just remember that the rings on your fingers are there for a reason."
"Oh. Alright."
I replied. I understood. Hard times where ahead. "Thank you, goddess." she smiled at me, and carefully glanced at Eden. Almost as if sizing her up. I didnt like it, so I opened my wings and wrapped one around her shoulders.
"You will be tested. .... Be wise about it. Some of the lesser gods are trying to make it hard for you, but the major Gods are on your side."
She then did something odd.
She swept forward and placed the pad of her thumb between my eyes.
She did the same to Eden.
I felt energy pass into my body.
Like electricity, but far less harsh. It was almost.... Soothing.
When she took her thumb from my skin, I had to hold onto something.
Eden held onto me but she was in the same state.
"Whenever you need us... You know what to do. Good luck, child." she faded in a shimmer of gold dust in the afternoon sun shine.
"A godess....?"
Eden asked.
"She blessed us! The godess of marriage just blessed us and told us we where a model couple!"
"Dont get too confident..she could be wrong."
She chuckles, and pulls me back into another kiss.

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