Bee Sting

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Luna's POV~

          "Cass! That isn't Dean!" Sam called out. I blocked him from the body, just as the real Dean came into the kitchen.
"I heard my name." He grumbled.
Castiel turned, confused.
I moved so that Dean could see the body.
Once he saw it, Dean looked from the shaking Castiel to the body.
"Cassy. I'm right here."
He said, in a quiet voice.
Castiel met his gaze with wide eyes, and Dean walked over to him, and Embraced him.
Dean ran a gentle hand through Cass's hair, as the angels face had been buried into his shoulder.
"Let's get you off that leg, okay?"
He asked.
Cass nodded, and walked out with Dean.
As I watched them, I felt a pang in my heart.
I remembered what Eden had said about me being her job.
What it true?
Was all of this a lie?
"Lun..... You look like you're about to cry... What's eating you?"
Sammy asked.
His voice only made it worse.
I remembered my indecisiveness between her and him.
I choked out a sob.
Hazel, who was still in the room with Pheobe, looked at me, concerned.
I tried so hard to keep everything in.
Cerberus strode over, and nudged my hand. He read my emotions.
He let out a series of low clicks and chirps, then licked my hand.
I looked at him, the emotion causing my tear pooled eyes to change back to their original electric blue.
"I just need some alone time."
I said, quietly.
Hazel gave me Pheobe, and I returned to my room. Cerberus also followed.
I sat in my room, locked the door, and put the baby down for a nap.
After that, I flung myself onto my bed, and let it all out.
Cerberus stayed with me, laying on the bed beside me amd watching like a hawk.
There was a point where he actually put a wing over me.
He chirped a few more times, trying to communicate .
After about an hour of this, I heard a knock on the door.
"Moon, are you alright in there?"
Eden asked.
I sniffed, glamoured my face, and got up, walking over to unlock the door.
"I'm alright."
I opened the door for her, and she slipped in.
"Are you free?"
She asked. I nodded.
"Can you help? My back is killing me?"
I nodded.
I didnt even question where she'd been.
I just placed my hands on her upper back, and started to heal.
I panicked when two lumps grew on her back, where her wing stubs had been.
Before I could react two glorius feathered wings ripped through the back of her T-shirt.
They where a feiry copper in color, which explains why they had looked gold in sunlight before.
Wow. Actual physical wings.
"Jesus!" she cried, struggling to hold her shirt to her body.
"Luna, Black!"
She laughed.
"I just wanted my back fixed! How is archery practice supposed to work with wings?"
I smiled, feeling bad for wondering where she'd been.
I mumbled.
She turned and caught my head in her hand.
"Dearest, whats wrong?"
I opened my mouth to tell her nothing was wrong, but she interupted.
"Don't bullshit me. I know when a lass is upset."
I looked at the floor.
"Where you really sent to watch me?"
She sighed.
"No, I said that to anger to you. I
    Figured it would hit you where it hurts.. I regret that now."
  I sighed in relief.
I said.
"I'm sorry..."
She stated.
I smiled at her.
She smiled back, and I pulled her closer.
We made eye contact, and I glanced at her ripped shirt.
She asked.
I smiled bashfully.
She laughed.
"Adult time, and beers?"
She asked.
"Okay~" I purred seductively.

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