One Night Stand

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I sat beside Eden's Body all night.
What would I tell the children?
Oh, Adam and Eve... They're so, so young..
"What happened?"
Crowley stood in the corner of the room, looking at the body.
"I-it was Denver... Im so sorry. ..."
"Its alright...."
"No... She was your sister... You told me to take care of her.."
"I still have another sister left."
He looked at me.
After all Ive done he still loved me like a sister.
"I suppose..."..
I felt hollow. Life wasnt the same without Eden.. I couldn't sleep because the bed felt so empty.
I can barely breathe, for the pain in my chest is too great. I stood up, tears pooling in my eyes. It was too much, so I let my glamour go. All the burns, and scars. My gills and Eyes. They show. My brother in law looked at me with sympathy, and dissapeared.
I picked up the body and gave it to Jupiter to cremate, then I walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Dean was going through the fridge to find something to eat, but stopped when he heard me.
"Im sorry, who are you?"
He asked.
I huffed and lifted my brunet hair from my shoulders, to show my gills.
"Oh.... "
"Its okay..."
"How you doing?"
I shook my head and he handed me a beer.
"Why dont we go sit and talk for a while. Sam is looking at a case, and Cass is doing angel stuff. Itll be just us."
I followed him and sat down next to him.
"Are you really okay?"
He asked, looking genuinely worried.
I felt my eyes fill with tears again.
He reached for my hand, but when I pulled it away he just looked away awkwardly.
"I cant sleep at night, because she isnt there..." I choked out
"I feel empty now... So.. So empty... Sometimes I'll put my cigarettes out on my skin so that I know that I can still feel."
I felt him turn around, and his hands firmly but gently held the sides my head.
"Luna, listen to me.
Don't you ever do anything like that to your self again, you hear me?!"
Instead of waiting for me to answer he kissed me.
I went along with it, hoping the he'd help me feel better, and make my bed feel less empty.
I flared my gills to get his attention, and he pulled away. Getting the message, he took me to his room.

Laying next to him afterward made me feel like I wasnt alone anymore. He was warm too so that was a plus. He fell right to sleep after, leaving me laying beside him with my head on his chest, staring at the ceiling.
I knew he'd forget I exsisted tomorrow, so I willed myself the sleep.
Nothing happened.
I sighed and turned my head to adjust my comfort, but felt a burning sensation on my cheek.
It soon becam very intense so I sat up with a yelp.
"Ow! Fuck!"
Dean roused, siting up the make sure I was okay.
"Hey, hey, are you okay..?"
"No it fucking hurt!"
"Okay, okay, let me see it! How The hell you burn yourself on anyway?"
I looked at the anti possesion symbol.
"Oh. Sorry.."
"Its okay.."
He nodded and laid back down.
I laid beside him, and just as I was about to slip into slumber, I felt his arms around me.
I fell asleep content.

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