Rest Stop

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We stopped at A 7 Eleven for bathroom breaks and food. I headed inside to get some water, when I crashed right into someone. "Fuck!" A feminine voice yelped. I fell onto the floor, smacking the back of my head against the tile. Luckily siren havethick skulls to protect our brains from sea rocks If the waves throw us around. "Dammit. Im sorry are you okay?" I sat up, pretending that my head hurt to pass as a human. "Oh.. Come on don't act. I see your soul. You're fine." my eyes widened and I looked up. A red haired, brown eyed babe stood about me holding a bottle of Jack. "See my soul...? Okay. You caught me. Im fine. Now you need to tell me what an angel is doing on earth with a bottle a whiskey. " She smiled at me and offered me her hand. I took it and she pulled me up. "Well. Thats my buisness. But this bottle of whiskey is to drink. " I nodded. "Isnt that a sin." Eden laughed. "Not if Daddy doesnt know." She took the cao of and took a sip, then offered it to me. I stared at it, confused. "You barely know me." She wrapped my other hand around the bottle. "You need it." Itook a small sip and heard Sam call my name. "Ive got to go.." Eden followed me outside,  which was odd. "Boys!" Dean looked up and immediately broke into a smile. I knew that look. Dean was checking her out. "Eden!" Sam said. I was confused. "How did it go after we dropped you off?" Eden shrugged. "At least you guys are here to pick me up." Sam motioned to the back of the car. " hop in the back." I blinked in surprise. And got in. I lit a cigarette and cracked the door because Dean 'didnt want the inside of his car to smell like mid life crisis'. We filled the car, and continued on our journey.

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