(more leden.)

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As soon as we walked through the threshold of our home, the kids came running over.
Storm came to me, and Sky went the Eden. "Hey, buddy!"
I kissed my sons head. He looked at me with wide green eyes.
I know I shouldnt have favorites, but....

Sam came out of the nursery.
"They where well behaved."
"Cass spent most of his time with them." Dean said from the other room..
Somebody sounded jealous.
"Im glad they behaved."
Eden said from my side. I felt her shuffle closer to me,and press herself to my side.
It made her nervous when Dean and I where near eachother because of an incident we had a week or so ago.
He had gotten drunk and Eden tried to put him to bed.
And he tried to get him and bed with her.
It took half and hour for uncle Cass and Sam to fully pry my hands off of his jugular.
And Im still pissed.
I gently nudged Eden down the hall, and toward the other room.
She obliged.

"Dont let him worry you..."
"I'm just worry about what happened before.. And what would happen if you killed him.."
"Sweetie, I wouldnt kill him unless he put his hands on you or my babies."
"Sky has your fangs, by the way."
"Good! When she's older she can use them!"
Eden giggled, and we went across the hall to put the kids to bed.
We stayed in the room until they fell asleep.
We sat on a loveseat on the far side of the room, and watched over them silently.
A few hours later I felt Eden lean into me. She was falling asleep, so I scooped her up and headed toward the door.
"Goodnight, darlings!"
I whispered, and walked toward the bed room. I pulled the sheet back, and gently placed Eden in bed. I rolled the sheets back over her, and made sure she was snug.
Once she was asleep, I watched for a few seconds.
"I love you."
I muttered.
I was glad she stayed on earth.
I was truly in love with her.
I stayed and made sure I did everything I could to keep her comfortable, and once she was alright I stepped out of the room.
Walking into the living room I saw Uncle Cass sitting on the couch, with Dean cuddled into his trench coat. And Sam asleep at the table in the back of the room, with a closed book beside his head.
I decided not to bother them, and to head to bed.
I walked back to the bedroom, and shut the door for the night. I stationed guards, and locked the door.
I changed , then opened the door to the balcony in Edens room.
And I sat there, in the dark, feeling the chilly November air.
I took a breath of that stinging air, and watched my breath cloud.
And Out of nowhere, I started to sing.
I dont know where it came from, but it just.... Started.
After awhile I felt arms wrap around my waist, and a voice joined mine in perfect tandem.
I looked down to see Eden, and my voice faded into the wind. I only heard hers.
She stopped after a minute, her cheeks flushing red.
"Did I wake you?" I asked.
"No." she shook her head.
"You're voice is beautiful."
"It isnt that good..."
I chuckled and hugged her close.
"It is angelic." I purred. This made her giggle. I scooped her into my arms.
"Come to bed." She chirped.
I smirked, and she laughed.
"I didnt mean it that way!"
"Okay, okay!"
"You got yours in the car two days ago!"
I laughed.
"You are such a lady."
She nodded. I shut the balcony doors and put her back into bed.
She reached for me as I crawled under the covers.
I pulled the blankets over us and pulled her close. She was happy with this, and curled up in my arms. He hands wandered though. "Eden.."
I whispered.
"Where did these muscles come from?"
She laughed and wrapped her arms around me.
"Good night."
She pecked me on the chin.
"Good night!"

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