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I woke up to a loud bang. I think it came from the nursery.
I bolted down there to find the door open.
I started to shake.
My son.
I frantically looked around the room, and everyone came running. Sky looked at me, scared. She ran to her mother, and I kept looking for my son.
Eden just watched, Sam walked in and tried to calm me.
"Hey.... We can find him..."
I imagined the worst things.
"Luna. Get a grip!"
Dean barked.
Oh I got a grip, alright. A grip on his throat.
Cass pulled me off of Dean.
"Fine. Okay." my wings shook from all the stress..
"Loren. She wanted the kids."
"Whoa.. Luna... Calm yourself."
I left the room. I didnt know where I was walking. It was all a blur.
Sam followed me. And Eden was sobbing. She knew that Storm was Sam's. But she loved him like her own.
Her brother was calming her down. She looked extremely upset.
I heard Sam behind me. I felt his hand brushed mine. I pulled away and ran straight for Eden. I sat down next to her and enveloped her in a hug.
"I dont want this to be like Ben!" she wailed. I looked at Crowley.
"Her son. Back in the time of witches, they burned him for punishment. They suspected Eden was A witch."
I kissed Eden's head, holding back tears.
"I won't let that happen. We'll find our boy.."
She just kept crying. She leaned into me. I sighed and rested my head on hers. Once she seemed okay I turned to her brother.
"I have many Lorens."
"A yellow eyed demon! If she's yours I want her as a prisoner.
I know it was her."
"Of course."
I got up and walked away.
I did research for as long as I could. 
Eventually I gave up,and started gathering things to summon Loren.
I went to my own room and locked the door. I drew a devils trap with charcoal, and summoned her.
"What do you want? I dont have time to entertain a bored angel."
"Loren. Where is my son?"
"With you? You're his mother! What, did you lose him?"
" you... Dont have him? "
"Oh, in the name of Lilith, no!"
"He isnt useful to me!"
"Alright. You may go."
I broke the devil's trap, dissapointed in myself.
I cant even find my own son."Im telling you, the angels have him!" I heard Dean yell from the other room. I stood All three of the boys where in the living room, arguing.
I watched, silently for a few moments.
Castiel saw me and gently put his hand on Dean's arm.
They all looked up.
He just looked at me. He knew what I was going to say. He let go of Dean.
"We'll be back."
He muttered.
His hand closed around my wrist, and I shut my eyes.
And when I opened them, we where in heaven.

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