A Spell For a Song

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I woke up to Dean still holding me, with his face buried in my neck.
Well this wasnt normal. Do I get up? Do I leave?
Should he have left?
Do I go?
I lifted myself from the bed but Dean held fast' so I lie back down in defeat.
I had to sit there until he woke, which was awkward because we didnt know what to say to eachother.
I tried to sleep but it didnt work.
Eventually I just ended up leaving and going to my room to shower.
Once I had dried myself off and thrown on a pair of jeans and a tshirt, I sat on the balcony with a cigarette.
I still felt numb...
Would I ever feel any better?


I deserve this. I let her die. She deserves to be mourned.
I was a fool, and she got hurt.

A tear slid down my cheek and landed on the balcony landing.

I half expected her arms to wrap around my waist, and to hear her soft scottish accent ask me if I was alright.
Then it all came out. The tears, the sobs. It seemed like I couldnt stop.
It hit me like a truck.
She wasnt ever coming back.
She was gone.
And Id have to live without her.
I had no soul to give for a deal.
A knock on the door roused ne from my trance.
And my brother stepped into the room.
I automatically ran into his arms, and he held me tight.
"I know, kid. I know... But I found something that can help. "
I stepped back and he gave me a peice of old parchment. Well, half of one. Latin was scribbled onto it, but it was ripped in half.
"A reviving spell. All we need to do is find the other half."
Ezekial said.
"It will work. Trust me. Look who I tested it on!"
He whistled and a wolf dog came flying into the room.
"Holy shit. Its Iris."
My brother nodded, and the snow white dog barked at the sound of her name.
My brother had even put her old leather collar on.
She chuffed and wagged her tail.
I smiled.
"Okay... I know it wasnt the first person but, the half spell worked on her and I knew she'd cheer you up.."
"Thanks Zeke..."
He smiled while I hugged the animal who helped me through my childhood.
And then I imagined how much Eden would love her.
She loved her brothers hell hounds and their puppies.
"Okay.... Where do we start?"
I asked, looking at my brother.
He said. Looking at me.
"Okay,just let me get Iris on a leash..."
He nodded and grabbed her short leather leash, clipping it onto her collar. And almost immediately my brother in law appeared.

"I heard my name?"
He stood in the corner of the room.
Iris started to bark, but her glanced at her and she quieted down.
I handed him the paper.
"Do you recognize this?"
He did nothing but nod.
"Well, wheres the other half!?"
Zeke snapped.
"I don't know!"
Crowley snapped.
I stepped back out of fear, but when his gaze turned to me it took on a much gentler quality.
"I can try to look. But I need you to do the same."
I nodded.
"Where do I start?"
I asked.
He handed the paper back to me.
"You might not enjoy it, but talk to the fallen angels. Some of them have information. I'll send demons out to look for the peice."
I nodded.
"Thank you..."
He turned to go.
"Oh, and Luna?"
"Be careful. You might have to use your powers. Some of the monters you'll have to deal with are.... Less cooperative than others."
He vanished. And Zeke stared blankly at the spot where he just was seconds ago.
"Okay... Lets go."
"What- now?"
My brother asked, bewildered.
"Yes! Now!"
"You.. Dont seem emotionally ready to facethe angels that killed-"
"I AM! Go!"
He got moving quickly.
I took Iris too, for good measure.
I had trained her to help hunt monsters before I left for college, so she was useful.
I decided to speak to Castiel first.
He had to know where the other blackfeathers where.
We went to the living room, where he was with Dean, as expected.
I turned walked in, holding Iris's leash, and feeling pretty angry.
"Dean. Leave."
He seemed confused, poor pathetic human.
Castiel looked at him and nodded, and Dean left willingly.
I turned to my uncle, once my brother had blocked the doorway.
"Castiel. Do you recognize this."
I handed him the paper.
"Yes, but finding the other piece is almost impossible."
"I Don't care. Whats the next step to find it."
Castiel just looked at me. I could see dissapointment in his wise blue eyes.
"What have you become, Luna?"
"Smarter. Now answer the question."
"Talk to your father. Then Bobby. Did you already speak with Crowley? "
"Then, after that go speak to the other angels.."
"You mean the blackfeathers."
"Isnt that a bit derogatory?"
"They killed her. They deserve much worse."
"Jesus, Luna he's one too."
Dean said from the doorway.
"I know, so why is he any better?"
Without waiting for an answer I walked away.

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