The Others

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Luna's POV~

I woke up early, and looked at my sleeping wife. She was partially covered by a blanket, and back in female form.
I opened a wing and gingerly set it over her.
She subconsciously put an arm over it, not noticing the feel of the wing on her bare skin.
She groaned.
"Not now, Sky its 5:00 am."
She grumbled.
I laughed quietly.
"Eden... Its me, your wife."
I whispered, and she rolled over.
I smiled.
She grumbled and covered her head with the blanket.
"Okay. . I see how it is."
I got up out of bed, and shuffled into the bathroom.
I brushed my teeth for the day, and sat on the counter, checking my phone.
There was a text from Eden reminding me that there should be one last pregnancy test in the back of the cabinet.
I found it, used it, and waited.
My heart dropped.
I was so dissapointed.
But did I really need another kid?
Did I even deserve it?
With a disappointed sigh, I grabbed my coat and stepped out onto the balcony for a cigarette.
Its was early in the morning, so the sun was just coming up, announcing its presence with smudges of orange, purple and gold.
I lit my cigarette and took a drag, leaning against the balcony railing and gazing at the fading stars.
I was sure to be quiet and not to wake Eden when I got dressed and gathered my weapons.
She roused a little bit,raising her head to see what all the commotion was about.
"Mm. Babe, where are you going?"
I looked up, and finished putting my gun holster in my belt, then put the gun in it.
I softly walked over to her side of the bed.
I sat on the small space left on the mattress and leaned over, putting an arm around her waist.
She took my hand and used her other to stroke my cheek.
"I quick hunt with Dean. Is that alright?"
She nodded.
"How long are you gonna be gone?"
"Two days. Its in New Mexico."
"Be safe, okay? Thats all I ask.
Use Dean as a human shield if you have to. He never dies permanently anyway."
I chuckled.
"Sky and I will call you every night, okay?."
"Oh dear, be careful."
"I will. I promise."
I leaned down to kiss her, and she returned the kiss.
"Can you handle the recruits tomorrow morning?"
"Mhm. I'll handle it lovie."
I smiled at her, and we kissed one last time.
For so long that our gills appeared and flared, searching for oxygen.
"If you have any problems, go see Jupiter, alright?"
She nodded .
"Go on now, you don't want to be late."
I nodded and hesitated to let go of her.
She let go of my cheek and pulled me into a hug.
"I love you."
She was trying to tell me it was going to be alright. I didn't care about me. I cared about her and the kids.
"I worship you, Eden."
She smiled and playfully nipped my ear with her teeth.
"Get going, before I have to whip you."
She said with a playful smile.
I kissed her forehead and stood up. I wallked to the door and before I had filly passed the threshold I turned and winked at her. Then, after quietly shutting the door behind me, I headed to my daughters room.
She was struggling to put her gun holster on..
"Need help Sky?"
She looked up, and nodded.
I showed her how to hook the hoslter onto her belt, and she did herself.
She picked her duffel back up and we headed to the car.
"Wanna bring Iris?"
Sky nodded. She loved the dog.
"Go get her and makes sure she's on a leash I'll put the bags in the car." she nodded and ran to get Iris, while I went outside and loaded the mustang. Dean came by and dropped his bag in the back.
He glanced at me in a way I couldnt quite understand, and sat in the passengers seat.
A few minutes late Skylar came back with Iris and climbed into the back seat.
I got in the drivers seat and started the car.
"You sure you dont want me to drive?"
Dean asked.
I'm pretty sure he was actually concerned about me.
"Im alright."
He nodded.
I started to drive.
Two hours into the ride I saw that the dog and my Daughter where fast asleep in the backseat.
I smiled and turned my eyes back to the road. We where driving through Arizona now, and the road was just a long stretch of asphalt through burning desert.
I hated the desert. It always made me anxious. I preffered reefs.
"How long is this car ride?"
Dean glanced at his watch.
"Why? There somewhere you gotta be?"
He shook his head.
"Whats with you? Your acting weird."
I looked at him, waiting for and answer.
"I just.... Why did you sleep with me if you where gonna bring Eden back anyway?"
I paused.
Was he fucking with me?
The guy who screwed a girl in every town we visited was upset about this?
"She's my wife..."
"I know-"
"You knocked me up,and then ditched me,you dont fucking deserve my affection!"
I snapped.
He sighed and fell silent, and I tried to calm myself down.
It was 7:10 now, so Eden was bound to be awake. She barely slept due to her being an angel.
I took my phone out and set it on the dash board.
Holding the home button, and the steering wheel.
"Siri, Call Eden."
The phone did as I asked, and I listened to the phone ring.
She always answered the phone in such a peppy tone.
" Hon, I need a favor."
"Name it."
"Can you do research on a Chupacabra?"
"Yes I can. Anything else?"
I heard the clacking of keys on a keyboard and knew she was already on it.
"I need arrest records on a woman named..," I looked up at the sun shield tucked to the ceiling and read the sticky note sitting there.
," Daniel Johnson."
"Got it."
I heard the click of a mouse and the clacking of the keyboard again.
"Alright,Let me see....
Daniel Johnson, New Mexico Police Dept. Two accounts of assault and battery, and one of vandalization. According to her medical records she's a Schizophrenic. 'Extremely paranoid, and anxious. Patient constantly speaks of a hellhound coming to get her, and has frequent episodes.' good enough?"
"Can I get an address? "
"58 Cherry Street."
"Thanks baby."
"No problem honey."
"You want to talk to Sky?"
"Can I?"
I teached over and gently shook her awake.
"Your mother."
I took the phone and took it off speaker,then gave it to Sky.
She talked to mother, and Dean and I where left alone in silence.
Sky gave the phone back to me after awhile.
"I'm still here!"
"Alright. Im driving I gotta go."
"Be safe."
"I promised didnt I?"
"Bye, Angel."
"Bye, moon."
I waited for her to hang up, and when she did I put my phone back on the charger amd continued to drive.

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