Like Father Like Daughter

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Hazel's POV~

              I looked at my father, studying him carefully.
He wasn't really all my Mom cracked him up to be.
Attractive, sure. But not very bright.
He asked, looking me up and down.
"You heard me. You're my father."
He pulled his knife from his belt. I scoffed. He couldnt kill me with that little thing.

My uncle stepped forward.
"Dean, don't."
He insisted.
He took the knife from my father.
Dean glanced at his brother, uncertain of what to do.
"Luna always talked about her eyes.."
Sam put a hand on his shoulder, and gave him a look.
Then, my father looked me in the eyes.
"She was right... About how bright they are. Just like mine."
I stepped forward, interested.
"Mom, is she okay?"
Sam looked at Dean.
"She's in Purgatory."
Dean said.
"For what...? Can't you save her? You're human!"
"And your mother is a siren."
Dean mumbled.
Sam broke in. "And archangel. A hybrid."
I immediately knew that I liked my uncle better than my Dad. He was smart.
"Well, lets go get her." I said.
Sam smiled.
"Go ahead. I'll keep an eye on Hazel."
I shrugged.
"I'm an angel. I cant get back on my own."
Dean opened his mouth, but nothing came out. I think my presence triggered all those old emotions from my first life.
I remember dying.
Then the angels took me in.
Great Uncle Gabe, Great Uncle Castiel, my Grandfather, sometimes.
Michael didnt like me much.
But thats beside the point.
They raised me, then let me venture out into the world at 19.
I looked at Sam.
"Ill stay with you. I trust you."

And so went my father to Purgatory.

Eden's POV~

         I sat on the couch, a bottle of whiskey on the coffee table In front of me.
I refused to sleep at all. Luna was always with me when I slept.
It would feel too lonely.
And I could barely look at the whiskey. It was Jacl Daniels. The same kind of whiskey we had gotten wasted on in the back of Dean's car when we first met.
I started to cry again.
I was a mess without her.
I felt so bare,
So human without her.
I tried to flex my wings to remind myself that I was an angel.
But it didnt change anything.
Ive hunted my fathers creations,
Liliths children, my own kin.
Heaven didnt want me.
"Crying won't help, Dearie."
A female voice with a thick Irish accent said.
Oh gods.
I looked up.
"What do you want?"
I snapped.
My mother regarded me cooly.
Her gaze met mine.
"Only to let you know that she isn't gone for good."
"The Siren."
I went quiet, biting my bottom lip to stop the tears.
Or at least try.
"Why should I believe you?"
My voice broke, and I buried my face in my hands.
"Because, dear. I'm your mother.
Why would I ever lie to you?"
I looked up at her through the gaps in my fingers.
"I dont need you to look after me."
I didnt believe her.
If Luna was alive, she would have come right back home.
I looked back down, and heard my mothers leave the house.
I never got along with my mother.
She always told everyone that Fergus was her only child, but thats because I wasnt in the picture.
When I was born she never really cared for me. .
My brother always told me that it was because she didnt want her other child bullied or worse because she did witchcraft. My brother had a few scars from the other village kids.
My brother.
A smile played across my lips.
My brother was a savage on the job, yes.
But as an actual person, he was a saint.
The only reason we bonded so much was because our mother abused us.
We protected each other, no matter what it was we needed protection from.
There was one time where we went out on ome of our usual forest adventures and found a bear cave.
The bear was outside.
And my idiot brother threw a stick at it.
When I was 18 one of the village boys kept following me around and asking for my hand in marriage.
My brother solved that problem with a stick too.
Luna was the same way. She was very protective, she was sweet to me but when we hunted she could be ruthless to whatever we where hunting.
I sighed and looked about the living room.
Maybe I should sleep, now that I think about it.

Luna's POV~

              Using my claws, I climbed a tall pine tree and surveyed the ground below from a strong branch.
"This fucking sucks."
I mumbled.
"Better than hell though."
I put the hunting knife I was given in my boot, and took my coat off, tying it around my waist.
I opened my wings and lept off the branch, flying around and looking at the terrain.
The good news is that I found the portal.
The bad news is that I couldnt go through.
I landed on another pine, beside aclearing, thinking that all was lost, until I heard someone stumbling through the brush.
It was either someone heavily injured or something big.
I bared my fangs, and reached for the knife.
Something large, and black flopped down in the clearing.
I glided above in circles, and after awhile realized that the black mass was a pile of feathers.
Thats when I landed.
I cautiously edged toward the pile of black feathers. I gently poked one of the massive black wings.
It shudders and I heard a familiar voice groan.
The pile of feathers started to lift up, and as the person behind them stood, or struggled to, I saw a mangled leg, that looked ripped to shreds.
"Uhm, who-"
The wings folded and then quickly snapped open, hitting me in the nose amd giving me a pretty decent nose bleed.
"Ow! Hey, fuck you buddy!"
The figure turned around, slowy.
"Luna? Im so sorry."
"Uncles Cass? Why are you down here?"
"Barachiel sent me to guard you."
I sighed and nodded.
"Please tell me nothing was chasing you."
"Your asking me to lie?"
"Oh god, how many and what where they."
"Vampires, about five."
I sighed and grabbed him by the arms. I flew him up to a safe branch on the tree I was just in, and told him to stay put, and flew back to the clearing,where the vampires were already spreading out. There were about seven. Five male, two female.
I could handle them.
I landed right in the middle of their search party, and hacked the head off one of the males.
A female turned, and hissed angrily and the other five started toward me. I grabbed the female who hissed at me, and wrestled with her for a few minutes. One of the males edged behind me, and tried to pounce on me, but I kicked his legs out from under him. Once the two males amd female where dead there where only four left, but they surrounded me.
One on the remaining males knocked my knife out of my hand, and I was left defenseless.

Except for one thing.

I hated doing this. It always made me sick afterward.
I stoode tall and stretched my hands outward. Spreading my wings helped, so I did that too.
And as my eyes closed, I felt pure electricity on my finger tips.
Then that power spread. It spread until it exploded into a circle of light that spread along the breeze. Once it hit a vampire, the vampire dropped dead.
And after the vampires where dead, I willed the power to dissipate.
I collapsed.
Two people ran to my side and one picked me up.
I sould make out the face of Benny. The vampire Dean had befriended the last time he was here. So, I guessed that the one carrying me was Dean.
I mumbled to them that Cass was in the tree where I had left him.
Benny went to get him while Dean made sure I was okay, and we did the ritual so that he could carry me back to the surface.
Thank god.
I never wanted to go back there.
EVER again.

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