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Eden's POV~
I found him. Our baby boy, dead on the floor.
Storm's body lay at my feet, his neck broken, and his insides eaten.
Skylar came in with the Twins, who where safe and sound. She fended the Leviathan off with some floor cleaner she had gotten from a servant.
"Storm..." without thinking I scooped him up, and wrapped my wings around him. His eyes where still open, so I closed them, as gently as I could.
"I'm sorry, Stormy..."
Skylar ran over, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Hey,Kid.. Come on wake up. Storm this isnt funny!"
Once she had excepted what happened, she held her little brother with her Mom, trying to keep him warm.
"I called uncle Sam. Theyre on their way."
I nodded, feeling numb with worry and grief. I hoped Luna would be alright...
Sam, Dean and Castiel arrived.
Dean froze in the door way, Castiel stood there watching. And Sam ran to my side , and I gave him Storm.
That is the first time I've ever seen Sam cry.
Dean was right behind him, trying to help, but he didnt know how.  I hugged him tightly. Thats all I could do. That was his son. His one and only son.
"Sam.. Im sorry.."
He just shook his head and buried his face in Storms hair.
Dean glared at Cass, who looked away.
"Why didnt you tell us about the leviathans!?" he yelled.
"We couldnt have done anything."
Dean yelled.
I flinched and Sam gave Storm to me before standing up.
"Leave him alone. This isnt his fault."
"But Sammy-"
"Leave it."
I held my stepson, worrying about Luna.
I tried to call her, but she didnt answer. Beginning to get anxious I got up and gave Storm to Skylar.
"We have bigger problems!"
Leviathans are out there and Luna Is missing!"
"Missing?" Castiel asked.
I told them every thing, about the couch and the Dean Leviathan.
They listened.
"They took her." Castiel said after I was done.
"Where!?!" I yelled, getting up.
"I don't know." he replied.
I was panicked at this point.
God only knows what they've done by now.

Luna's POV~
            I laughed. Blood ran from my nose over my lips, and a nasty bruise had appeared above my right eyebrow.
"Tell us where it is!" The Leviathan in the shape of Dean snarled.
"I dont know what your talking about." It's shape just made it easier to be a dick to.
I received a swift punch in the jaw.
"Careful, we can't hurt her too much."
The other Leviathan spoke, her voice a low murmur.
I licked the blood from my teeth, and looked up through my lashes.
"What do you want from me?"
I growled.
"The BLADE!"
I threw my head back and laughed. They'd never find it.
The Leviathan wearing the face of my long known enemy paced around me. A lamp outside the window dimly lit the room, which looked like an abandoned bomb shelter. When his feet hit the floor, foot prints where left in the dust. His eyes where looking me over, calculating, trying to find a weak spot.
" I wouldn't step to close sweetie, I'm dangerous. "
The creature just looked at me. I winked and clicked my tongue.
"Ugh, give me the Bronze." He stated flatly.
From the shadows, someone handed him a bronze blade, and From then on, I felt a twinge of fear.
He turned around and stood directly behind me so that I couldnt see. The cold, metal blade touched my collar bone and pressed down. He let it sit there for a few minutes so that it stung, and then slid it across the skin. I felt blood stain my T-shirt.
then, out of nowhere, he stabbed me.
I felt red hot pain all over my body, and I screamed.
"I'm not telling you anything!" I hissed.
"Oh you will.."
I shifted my position in the seat, finding that squirming had freed my wings. I flared my wings, and had hid the Leviathan in the crotch. He dropped like a fly.
"Okay!" Lauren, the yellow eyed demon, stepped out of the shadows. I closed my eyes and balled my left hand into a fist.
Good. My wedding ring is still there.
"Wake up, sweetie!" Lauren twittered.
"Didn't my brother tell you to fuck off?"
"He doesnt rule me, sweetie."
"But... He's your king."
"The only king we have is Lucifer!"
"Where do I fit into all this?"
"You're at the center of all this.. You're the mother of the savior..."
"What the fuck?"
"You're to bear a child that will bring the demons to salvation."
"Its a little late, I'm pretty fucking sure you stabbed one of my ovaries."
"Besides, I have a wife. I wouldnt dream of a donor..."
"Oh it will all fall into place.."
"Oh, and Rex here, ate the first born, so..."
"You're just trying to scare me."
"He tasted like lamb."
The Leviathan quipped.
"You filthy, bottom feeding bastard!" I hissed, trying to kick him. My leg restraints snapped unexpectedly. I was using my claws to free my wrists, but the restrains wouldn't give.
"Damn it." I mumbled under my breath.
"You shouldve seen Sam Winchester cry! And the little ginger snap too!"
Then, I lost it. I ripped my arms from the restrains and took the arms of the chair off.
I ripped them off my hands and threw them aside.
"I get it. I get why I'm valuable. You can take me, but leave my family the hell ALONE!" she threw her head back to laugh, And I snapped.
I blinked amd felt my eyes turn to slits.
The seconds ticked by like hours.
I crouched and sprung across the room, jaws open, claws bared.
I ripped Loren's throat out.
When I hit the floor the adrenaline rush faded, and I crumpled to the ground.
"Thats for my baby. You dont fuck with my baby." I muttered.
Loren was trying to fix her vessel, hopelessly. And the Leviathans where closing in.
"Alright! Here's the Deal. I take Loren and the Siren, and you go about your buisness." That was just the scottish accent I was hoping to hear!
My Brother in Law stood between me and the Leviathan, ready to run with me and Loren.
The Leviathan started to growl, and Crowley picked me up, ready to go. "I'll go back for Loren but you need to be safe. I'll put you with the others, they're worried."
I nodded. I was too tired, and I was hurting.
Eventually I felt him gently set me on the carpet.and I was eventually enveloped in a blanket and warm hands.
"Oh sweetie..."
She ran her fingers softly over my wounds.
I didnt pay attention, I was listening to my Brother in law tell every one about how I ripped someones throat out.
But after that the room was a blur. I couldnt see, or think. My ears rung and my head hurt.
My black eye was swollen shut, my other eye was glued shut with blood.
But I couldnt complain.
I was in my wife's arms, and almost all of my children where okay.

Eden's POV~

            She was so beaten up. And the first words she said where "Can I see him?" I didnt want to refuse, so I picked her up and laid her beside him on the floor. She immediately put a wing over him, and curled around him.
I sat there, watching and listening.
"Hi sweetie.."
She ran her hand through his hair, the way mother's do.
"Im sorry..." She didnt cry. She just kissed his forehead.
"Just... Be good in heaven okay? You aunts and uncles will take care of you.. And come visit if you ever come back down here.."
After a long silence she talked to him about when we first brought him home from the hospital.
They where adorable together. I know she loved our children more than anything, and would kill for them if she had to.
I sat beside her and held her hand while she said goodbye.
When she was done I could see bloody tears track her cheeks.
I said nothing. I just pulled her into my arms,and held her.
I kissed the top of her head, and let her sob into my shirt.
I wanted to say something, anything to help the pain....
But I didn't know how.

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