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I bolted out into the rain. On my own. Sam tried to keep up, but I was running from him. I knew what he was going to ask,and I couldn't handle answering. I kept running. Trying not to slip. Dont stop. Keep going. Never stop. Can't falter. Wings spreading, White feathers, tears. Falling. Standing again and continuing to run, ignoring the shards of glass in my arm, and lifting into the sky. It was difficult to fly. But I managed. As I flew I looked down. The humans where walking home. Or going about their buisness. Lucky, spoiled little brats. I could never be normal. I could never truly be loved. Thats what every one told me as a child. I am not to be trusted. A terrible creature. Ugly. Mischievous. Alone. Once I got back to the motel un followed I walked over to the impala and opened the truck with the keys I stole on the way out. "I need some time to be alone.." I grabbed the axe and a pistol from the back, shut the trunk, and ran off. "You shouldn't run off like this, you know." I turned around to face the new voice. Of course. My nosy Brother-in-law.
"What do you want?"
"Don't go."
"I need to get my anger out on something."
" My sister will be torn if you don't come back."
I glanced at the door to our room, struck with a slight pang of sadness. "Eden...?" I had left her alone so many times. She didnt deserve that. I didnt deserve her. "I'll take care of this, Crowley." a tall, young looking man said, walking toward me. He looked mildly familiar, but I couldnt place him. "Luna Elizabeth Black. You are beautiful, just like your mother."
"Hello, Dear daughter.. It may seem gruesome, but I must show you the consequences of your actions." I nodded. I wanted to smile and cry at the same time. My father was here. He cared.
He mustve seen the tears welling in my eyes, because he pulled me into his arms. "I'll give you a minute..." I nodded, burying my face in my fathers chest. After a few minutes, i heard him ask. "Are you ready?" to let him go? No. Definetly not. I hesitated. "Luna... You may not see me often, but you know I love you. You're my daughter... " I nodded.
"I love you, Dad." He brushed my hair away from my forehead. "I'm ready." he sighed. And touched two fingers to my forhead. The things I saw.... Jesus Christ. ... I saw my daughter, screaming at me, with tears in her eyes. My Fiancé, my Eden... Dead. Stabbed with amd archangel blade, handle deep in her chest. A young man with read hair, wearing the uniform of a siren soldier. Sam, taking a bullet to the heart for me. Dean attacking me. Terrible things. I wanted it to stop. My father took his hand away from my forehead. "You see?" I nodded. "Got to them, then. Good luck, Love." and with that, my father vanished. I ran back to the motel, at breakneck speed. I stopped at the door with a smile,then opened it, and stepped inside. Eden amwas sitting on the bed, drinking tea and reading a book. "Oh dear, You're soaked!" I nodded. "I know..." Just seeing her made me happy. "I went out for a walk... And got caught in the rain." She got a change of clothes out of our bag, and I changed in the bathroom. After that, I sat down next to Eden on the bed. I softly wrapped my arms around her waist. "I missed you.." She giggled. "You havent been gone that long..." I smiled. "Still." I kissed her cheek, then pulled away for a second, taking my sweatshirt off, and letting my wings get some air. Eden smiled and put her book down on the beside table. "Eden....." She had that smile on her face. "Nobodys here... And Sky is asleep. " I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Is that a yes?" I nodded. "Let me lock the door and shut the blinds first." I did exactly that. I also put a sign on the door outside so that the boys knew not to come in. And well... We where up REALLY late.

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