Love is Strange

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(Just a chapter full of cute Luden fluff)
I was in A different room this time, playing my violin and practicing my song. While the inbreds have auras that draw humans, we have songs. Its tradition for royalty to have a song, actually. I'd been trying to find mine.
"Darling?" I felt a gentle feminine hand on my back. I stopped playing, and gently set the instrument down.
"My love...?"
We did this constantly. She came and sat on my lap, and we pulled each other into a passionate kiss.
I could hear the quickening heartbeat of her vessel. I dont know if it was from lack of air, or emotion, but I didn't question it. She ran her fingers through my hair, and held onto me. She pulled away for air, and sat there, stroking my jaw and looking at me warmly.
She kissed mg forehead.
"What are you up to?"
She asked. And I told her.
"A song, hm?"
"What are you going to do, pick up a fiddle? Huh, Galway girl?"
She laughed, charmingly.
"I cannot play the fiddle. But I could try some other instrument. If it's to help my fishwife."
I snickered.
"Thats the name for a mermaid, Dear."
"That was the joke."
"Mermaids are nasty creatures. We'll hunt one someday. You'll see. Sharp toothed little snakes. Besides, Im a rather handsome fish. Have you seen my tail?"
"That I have. It is very flowy."
I wrapped my wings around her. They covered her easily.
After a long pause, I reached up and put a hand on her cheek. She leaned into it, and closed her eyes.
"Whats wrong, sweetness?"
"Nothing, I'm just so glad to see you... You're so busy..."
"I'm sorry, my love..."
"Don't apologize.."
"No,I am. You deserve to have time made for you.. In fact, you deserve so much more."
"You deserve to be treated like a godess."
She chuckles humbly. Her cheeks where red.
"I'm not that important... I'm a lesser angel.. Barely even a Nephilim."
"You are no lesser than any of them!"
"I only became an angel because of my death... It wasnt anything special..."
"Before I knew you loved me, I talked to Cass about my feeling for you."
"Oh dear, what did he say?"
"He told me, that if I loved you, I should tell you. He said that I should hold on and never let go, because one day, you could be gone. And when you are gone, its better to have lost than to have never loved at all."
Silence. She looked at me in admiration.
"I told my self that I would love you, and protect you, and treat you like royalty while you where here."
"Luna.... I dont care if Im a queen.. I only want to be by your side.." I offered her my hand,and she took it, and placed our hands over my heart.
"That is the only thing I ask for."
"My love, you already have it."
"Then I am content."
She rested her forehead against mine, and sat there comfortably. After a few minutes,she shifted her position, so that she was sitting on my lap, with her head on my chest.
I wrapped my wings around her, and picked up my instrument. I continued to play, while she hummed along.
I figured she was asleep, but every few moments she would open an eye and smile at me.
"So. Your vessel?"
"Is me."
"Wow. Really?"
"You're pretty damn hot."
"Shh" she hushed, giggling.
I opened my mouth the speak, and she shut me up with a kiss.
"Fine. Can you get up?"
She nodded curiosly.
" I want to try something."
Stood and put the voilin down on my chair. I started to use my levitation to lift Violin and bow.
I used one hand to play. It just played itself. In midair.
"Whoa." Eden muttered. I offered her my hand to dance. And she took it. We started of slow. I kept my hand around her waist, and my head on her shoulder. We rocked back and forth lazily, and she kissed my head softly.
All my stressed vanished instantly. She was sweet Like this. Her visits always made me happy. This was why I loved her. She was so kind, despite thousands of years of life. And She still had room in her heart for me. I dont deserve this. But somehow..... After five years, she still loves me. Love is strange, isnt it?

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