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Castiel's POV-
          I watched Barachiel hold Eden Tightly while Sam and I made an attempt to clean her ragged wounds. How could I allow this to to happen? I shouldve protected her.
"Eden? Wake up."
She was like a real sister to me.
She mattered, unlike a majority of my other siblings.
"Dean go get Luna."
Sam turned and spoke softly to his brother. Dean nodded and did as asked. I could see him tearing up. He cared about Eden too.
I wanted to help. To let him know he could confide in me, but I couldnt leave Eden.
I was too shocked to do anything else but observe my surroundings. I watched Sam let go of Eden, after finishing her wounds.
Then Barachiel pulled her into his arms as if she where his daughter. His bright blue eyes crinkled at the Edges as he smiled sadly.
"Stay with us... The old man is to die first, remember?"
He laughed, choking up.
We all knew what that meant.
She could not longer fly. An angels wings where an important asset every angel needed their wings. Now, Eden was as human as any angel could get.
And we couldnt fix it.

Luna's POV-

I felt someone trying to shake me awake. I thought it was one of the twins, so I rolled over and stretched my arm to find Eden. She wasnt there. I looked over and opened my eyes immediately.
"Dean, whats wrong?"
His eyes where that reddish color that they get when he's trying not to cry.
"You should come look."
His gruff voice was quiet.
I got up out of bed, and went to go see what the problem was, and Dean followed close behind.
But what I saw confused me.
Castiel, Sam, and My Father on the floor. My father cradling Eden. She had no stab wounds.
"I dont under stand.."
My father gently rolled her over in his arms.
And then I saw.
"Oh no! No no.." I sat down so fast I almost hurt myself.
Her wings had been ripped off.
My father rolled her back over, and she began to stir. "Luna..?"
She seemed slightly groggy.
I quickly tooke her hand in mine, and squeezed. "Im right here.. Im not going anywhere."
"Luna.." she opened her eyes. They where filled with tears. She left my fathers embrace and kneeled beside me, sobbing.
I wiped her tears away, and kissed her forehead. Her hiccuping sobs quieted to small gasps for air. I reached behind her and cupped each wing stub. Being careful not to hurt her, I massaged the area around. Each wound. "Hush now, its alright... We're here."
She buried her face in my neck.
I opened my wings and wrapped her in them. "Shhhh...." i gently put one hand over the stubs and used the other to pet her hair.
Sam quietly shuffled over and handed me a blanked, which I carefully wrapped around Eden, and picked her up. I laid her on the couch and sat beside her until she calmed.
"I've got you."
After a few moments of uninterrupted silence, I looked at Sam and Dean.
"Find him. And someone to watch Adam and Eve. We're getting her wings back. I want that bastard dead after ward."
Dean opened his mouth to protest, but Sam quickly elbowed him and they went off to do research.
"Honey, we'll get them back, I promise."
She just nodded and held back more tears.
"Be brave, angel.... One last time..."

(A few hours later, around 11:00 pm)
Edens POV-

           Luna and I went out to spend the night in the city while Sam and Dean watched the kids.
I needed some time to think and forget about it all.  Luna was very careful with me, thinking I was fragile. Even though I was too numb.
We walked along the beach, hand in hand, looking out across the ocean.
After awhile she needed a break so we sat down and listened to the tide while she laid at my side with her head on my chest.

Then it all happened so suddenly.

Sand was kicked into my raw winged stubs, and the pain was blinding.
And Luna slid away from me.
When I gathered my bearings I saw Luna being carried away. She kicked and clawed and beat her wings furiously. But before I could stop the figure carrying her, she was in the back of a black honda civic. The doors where locked, so I did the stupidest thing I could do.
I stepped back.
And leapt onto the car hood with a running start.
I still had my knife at my waist, so I stabbed it into the hood and used it to hold onto.
While I sat there, I quickly called the boys for help. They said they'd send someone.

Luna's POV-

I was nervous. I was in the back of a strange car with three strange people.
They definitely werent human if my wong beats didn't hurt them.
"Where are you taking me!?"
The driver smiled and pulled their hood down.
"Your beginning."
That made me nervous.
But when we passed under a streetlight I got a sliver of clarity.
I could see their black wings in the street light.
I was kidnapped by three fallen angels.
It all got worse when I felt my stomach drop.
Not like an emotion.
A physical feeling.

My water broke.

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