Golden days

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I spent the rest of that week in the palace, doing queenly duties.
Eden couldn't, because she had to rest. So it was my sole duty to care for my people.
I sat on my throne, waiting.
Waiting for audiences, and paper work.
It was rather dull, but the feeling of being queen was lovely.
I sat on my glorious silver throne, carved and inlaid with several chunks of pure titanium, and moon stone, and Opal, carved into various symbols of our nation.
My two personal gaurds sat at my feet.
The Male, Finn, was a tank of a man, with golden green eyes and short silver hair tucked into his helmet. His tail was that of a marlin. He was a swift and loyal guard, whom I had befriended as a child. That is also how I know my second gaurd, River.
She was Incredibly intelligent, and strong. She was the kinder of the two. Her tail was that of an atlantic salmon, her eyes where Hazel, which usually made her stand out. She was gorgeous, but to humble to realize this.
They where my only two trusted guards.
"My queen."
Finn said, holding a letter in his hands.
"Thank you Finn."
He handed me the letter and went back to his post.
The letter was from Eden.
My cheeks started to get hot.
She had an appointment with Jupiter today. What if this letter was bad news?
I opened it eagerly, and a photo fell from the folded peice of paper.
I picked it up as gently as I would a butterfly with a broken wing.
I couldnt see it well under water, but it looked like two white bean shaped things, filling up a black space with a gray border.
Confused, I read the letter.

Dear Star,
I hope it isn't to boring down there. I wish I could be down there with you, I miss you when you arent here.
Im alright, I know you're worried about me and the kids, and the apointment with Jupiter.
Storm is okay... Sam has been teaching him Enochian.
Or at least trying to. Skylar has been working with her tutor, and I've just been sleeping alot. The boys come to visit from time to time, but thats it.

Jupiter told me that we're having twins! Two! Amazing, right?
Im, so happy that they're yours.
See you tonight Star.
Love, Your pain in the ass wife, Eden.

I laughed. Her letters where terrible, but always made me happy. I missed her so much during the day..
"You'll see her later tonight, Ma'am. No need to fret."
River said to me.
"I know.. But... Any day now.."
"If the child comes the boys will take care of her if needed, right?"
Finn asked.
"Yes I suppose..."
I folded the letter and slipped it into the pocket of my dress.

Finn ended up being right.
The next day I got a message to come to the infirmary. I was shy at first, once I opened the door amd heard no struggle, I was calmed.
Eden was lying down in bed, sleeping.
"She had a long morning."
Jupiter said from behind me.
She had come from the closet of the healing room.
"Is my Angel alright?"
"She's fine."
After a long, drawn out silence, my half sister spoke.
"Why do you call her that?"
"What?" I cocked my head, confused .
"Your angel?"
"Oh. Well.... I guess you could say.... Heaven sent her for me..."
"What do you mean by that?"
Before I could answer, I heard Eden shuffling around in bed and turned to see what was going on.
I glided over to her side, and kneeled beside the bed.
She say me and tried to sit up, struggling.
"No, no, lie back down.."
I gently put my hand on her arm, and she eased back into bed.
She smiled at me, and I felt my face get hot. "What?" she asked.
I shook my head and pulled her into a kiss. I couldnt think of anything to say. Her hand flew to my cheek, and her thumb stroked my cheek bone.
My hand automatically looked for hers, and our fingers intertwined.
When she pulled away, i put my hand on her cheek, and she leaned to it. "You're awfully affectionate." she said with a smirk.
"Shut up." I said with a laugh.
After laughing for awhile, her expression changed. Her face went slack amd her eyes took on a warm gaze. She looked me right in the face, with eyes chock full of love, still. After ten years..
I smiled at her. "I knew it was you.." She squeezed my hand, and I returned the favor. "What do you mean?" I asked, curious.
"Heaven sent me to hunt the bad humans.... I was actually on my way to smite an entire prison when I met you..."
"Then what was the whisky for? And why did you abort the mission?"
"The whisky was for the fire I was going to set, and I left because I just had that feeling..... That I needed to go with you.
As soon as I saw you I knew I was destined to follow you. And then I grew to love you.. And now we're here."
I smile and close my eyes, leaning into the warm hand on my cheek. "I love you too." I say, kissing her wrist. She smiled.
"Luna? Did you want to meet the twins?" Jupiter asked me. I glanced at Eden, not wanting to leave her. "Go ahead! Im not going anywhere.." she said with a smile. I stood up and looked and Jupiter, who motioned for me to follow her. She led me to a room with glass windows on three sides. Through those windows i could see little plastic incubators in neat rows, each filled with a child of the court families ar a child of a servant or Aristocrat.
Jupiter ushered me in and lead me to two tanks in the corner of the room. There was a label on each. The first said:
Adam, Black
10: 45 pm

The second said:
11:11 pm

Adam and Eve.
I smiled. Those where beautiful names.
Looking at Adam, I could see wisps of brunet hair and tiny little wings with darkly colored wet fledgeling feathers. His eyes werent open yet, and he was sleeping peacefully. Eve was different story. She was a mirror image of her mother. White wings with champagne gold tips. She had fledgeling feathers too, but I could tell,the color difference was obvious. She had wild wisps of ginger hair, and she was wide awake. "Hi sweet heart!" Her head turned toward my voice, and I looked toward Jupiter. "Can I pick her up?"
She nodded,and I took eve into my arms. Her wings flicked and the reached out and held onto the wrist of the arm I wasnt using to hold her.
I laughed and touched my index finger to her nose. She sneezed. I smiled,putting her down so that she could sleep. "Thank you,sister." I said to Jupiter.
"You are very welcome."

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