Found Again

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Luna's POV~
              I opened the Motel door and stepped in.
It was dark, and there was a lump in the bed.
"Okay, lets go."
I picked her up and wrapped her in the blankets.
I checked her out and put her in the passengers seat.
I started up the car and started to drive home. She woke up, scared at first. And then she saw me driving.
She started to cry.
I took my hand off the shift and put it on her shoulder.
"Angel, whats wrong?"
she put her hand over mine and held tight.
"I'm sorry.."
"Honey... You didnt do anything wrong."
"I figured testing my vessel would be the best thing to do...."
I pulled into a gas station and cut the engine.
"Can you climb in the back seat reall quick?"
She nodded, sniffling.
We climbed into the back seat and I checked her head.
"Bobby already did that. There's only a scar."
I put gas in the mustang, and while it was pumping I sat with her.
"You know I love you?"
She nodded.
She scooted over and buried her face in my shirt.
I held her tight, telling her that it was okay.
"I'm here for you, Eden. I'll always be here."
"I love you, dont ever leave me."
"Not even after death. I vowed, didnt I?"
She nodded.
She whispered.
"What is it, angel?"
"We should go."
I looked up, and saw several people standing in the shadows, about to surround my car.
I stopped the pump, and made a quick, succeeding attempt to pay for gas, put the nozzle back, shut the back door and threw myself into the drivers seat, speeding out of the parking lot.
"What do you think?"
I asked.
She was the angel with the spider senses, after all.
"Leviathan. Or vampires."
"Great. Our two worst enemies."
We looked at eachother and out gazes locked.
I smirked and she smiled back.
She unclipped her seatbelt, and leapt into the backseat. She pulled the pannel that seperated the trunk and back seat down, which included the padding for the back seat.
She pulled out 3 bottles of floor cleaner, an axe.
Then for extra precaution she took out holy water.
She jumped back into the passenger seat, and rebuckled her seatbelt.
I heard cars behind us, and couldnt stop smiling.
She already had floor cleaner and Holy water in her hand.
She rolled down the windows and the moon roof , and leaned out of the side window.
She flicked the bottle just right, and the liquid went into the passengers side window behind us, and the musical screams of Leviathan began.
I quickly ripped the binding tape off of my wings and angled them in front of me to hold the steering wheel.
I took my normal pistol from my waist band, and leaned out the window .
Aiming carefully I shot about 3 holes in the windshield of the car behind.
Eden kept throwing cleaner at them, and it seeped through the holes in the window.
While I took a minute to reload I kept my eyes on the empty road ahead.
Once I had enough bullets I shot about 4 more holes.
The car spun of the road into the dusty wasteland of desert on either side of the road.
Eden yelled, holding up the middle finger.
And that was the wild streak she had. That was one reason why I fell in love
Eden sat back down, laughing.
I put the gun back in my waist band, smiling.
"I don't think they'll be back for awhile."
I said.
"I held up my hand and she took it. I was 34 but I felt so much younger.
Though technically I was very young because I am immortal.
She threw her head back and howled.
The adrenaline running through my blood was crazy.
I laughed.
"Think the boys would be impressed?"
"Or think we're crazy."
She rested her head on my shoulder and took my hand.
"Where are we anyway?"
"You washed up on the western shore of Mexico."
"Its a long drive home."
"Maybe we could just... Enjoy it?"
"I already have a plan."
"What is it?"
"My mother owned an island thats now mine. So, I figured we'd stay there for a week or so.
Zeke said he can take care of the kingdom and the kids."
"Okay... Wheres the island?"
"You'll see."
"We'll be there by noon tomorrow if I keep driving.
Sleep now, and we can relax when we get there."
She put the weapons back in their respective places, and then sat back in the passengers seat.
She went back to the position she had been in before.
Her head on my shoulder, her hand holding mine.
She was fast asleep.
I gently skidded to a stop, and put the blanket from my travel bag over her.
When I knew she was nice and warm, I continued driving to the eastern coast.

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