Just the two of us

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I was sitting in hotel room all of us where sharing. Sam and I where doing research. Four months had passed since the incident in Vermont, and alot of things had changed. Eden and I talked it over and came to and agreement. I havent mentioned it before, but Sirens can change their sex to appeal to either gender. So Eden was pregnant. She didnt have the heart to tell the boys. She didnt want to give up hunting. I told Sam, but not Dean. I know he wouldnt let her go out. "What do you have so far." I felt Sam behind me with a hand on my shoulder. "A god, it seems. Maybe a trickster." Sam nodded. "We need more information. We can see what they come back with." I nodded and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I got to Edens contact,and texted her: 'R U 2 on the way back?' I got an immediate answer. ' B there in 10. W/ a hostage.' I sighed and sent her another text. ' how are you feeling? ' I waited... 'Stop worrying. Baby and I are okay.' I sent a heart and closed my phone. "She'll be fine Luna. She's tough." I nodded. I've been making sure Eden doesmt accidentally hurt our baby. Watched every cup of coffee.. Made sure she didn't drink, or smoke, or stay up too late. I didnt smoke any where near her. I was excited and I wanted our child to live. Sam helped me unwind when he could. A half hour later eden walked through the door. Along with Dean who was carrying a hostage. "Eden!" she hushed me and locked the hotel room door. "Go take the car and spemd some time togther girls." Sam threw the keys to the Impala at us. And I caught them. I ushered Eden out, and let her to the car. We sat in there and immediately pulled eachother close. "Are you okay?" Eden laughed. "You have to stop fussing over me." She said with a smile. I shook my head. "Everytime we go out I get so worried." Eden put her hand on one of my folded wings.the touch immediately calmed me. "Little Finn will be fine." She muttered and kissed my cheek. "You still think its going to be a boy?" I asked with a smile. "Its a girl, I just know it." Eden giggled. "Whatever you say, but I think its a boy. " I started the car. " where would you like to go? " She shrugged. "I dont mind. Wherever is okay." she shrugged. I knew our routine by now. She was probably hungry and she probably wanted attention. "How about... We go get something to eat? Then, we go spend some time together by the beach?" Eden nodded, then turned the radio on. I pulled out of the driveway, and a half hour later we where sitting on a bench by the sea, Eden was fed, I hadnt been hungry so I didnt eat. Eden just stared. I saw her shivering, so I took my coat off and draped it over her shoulders. "Eden, we should tell them about Finn. " She shook her head. " I know, you love hunting. You can do both later, but I think Finn is important right now." Eden closed her eyes and took my hand into hers. "Okay.." she muttered quietly. "Are you alright?" She nodded. " Can we go back, now?" I smiled. And helped her stand up. She and I walked to the car. I helped her in,then got into the drivers seat. I looked at Eden. She had her eyes closed, and was concentrating. She sensed something. I placed a hand on her knee. "What are you sensing?" she shook her head. "Nothing. Its alright." I started the car amd pulled out of the driveway. I pulled into the hotel parkinglot and immediately sensed it too.
"Oh, for gods sake." I pulled my archangel blade from its sheathe on my hip amd charged into the motel room. Eden followed, her yelling unintelligible to me. "LEAVE US ALONE YOU OLD SCOTTISH BASTARD!" I yelled at Crowely. The boys looks about ready to kill him, as usual. "Ah, Luna. How nice to see you." I snapped at him. "Shut it!" His attention had already gone from me. It was on Eden. And he was smiling..? "Brother!" She chirped from behind me. No. Fucking. Way. "What? The king of hell is your brother?" Eden nodded. "He was sent to hell after he.. Made a mistake. " I was baffled. "Okay." Her and her brother went outside to talk. And I sat down with the boys. "What did you find?" Dean spoke up. "Its a trickster not a god. We dont have much more than that." "Good. Because we need to talk." Sam lifted his head. "About?" Dean just looked at me. "Ive told you that Sirens. Can switch their gender? " Dean nodded, he clearly wasnt following. "Okay. Long story short, Eden is pregnant." Sam smiled. And I watched Deans face go slack. "You let me take her on a hunt?!"
"That was her descision! Not mine!" Dean nodded and stepped back. Sam hugged me. "Congratulations, Luna." He muttered with a smile. I shut my eyes as I felt that familiar rough hand on my wing. It always relaxed me when he pet my wings. I clung to his shirt. "I know..... " he held me close and pet my wings. "Don't let Dean get to you. He isnt mad he just cares." I nodded. "Should I go outside. I dont trust him." Sam looked at the window. My gaze followed. They where hugging. Eden was smiling. And Id never seen Crowley laugh before. "She seems okay." I noticed. "We have a few minutes to ourselves." I glanced at his stupid smile, and laughed. "Eden needs me. Im sorry." He shrugged and kissed me on the head. "Can you at least help with research?" I nodded. "Yes. I will. Dean?" "Yeah. Okay."

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